The greatness that God gives comes about from the testings and the trials and the trusting. The glory and the strength and the power that you seek comes not in the way that you would think. It comes not in the paths of glory as with man, but through the path of God--the lowly path, the humble path.
So in your time of trial and affliction, look to Me. Call out to Me! Cling to My Words! Grasp them, eat them, hold on to them, for they are truth. For you to be the man or the woman of God that I would have you to be, you must have the understanding that My Word is truth and power and strength and might! It is My Word that saves you and strengthens you! It is My Word that encompasses you about with protection! It is My Word that gives you the love that you seek. It is My Word that does all of these things. You must be connected to Me, and the root of that connection is My Word.
You must trust My Word, and in trusting My Word, you are trusting Me. When I say in My Word I am there, then know that I am there! When I say in My Word I am your comfort, then know that I am your comfort. When I say in My Word it shall pass, then know that it shall pass. When I say in My Word I shall supply, then know that I shall supply. For My Word is truth! My Word is life! My Word is love! My Word is Me. (ML #3004)
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