(Dad, to Mama:) I've been watching the young people and praying desperately for them during this time of purging and change. It's so important that you pray for our young people!
         I've been watching my bellwethers and shepherds, and I've been seeing which ones stand head and shoulders above the crowd because of their faith and their love for you--those who are willing to follow wherever you lead. You need to find the young people who are willing to do that, and use them. Now and in the near future, in the dark days to come, that's what's really going to count in the young people that you choose to train.
         What's really going to matter is: Are they receiving the New Wine? Are they following you and Peter? Do they believe what the Family stands for? Because if they lack in
these gifts and in this strength, no matter how gifted they are in other areas, they will fail!
         Seek out from among the flocks the young people who have faith in you and your Words, and my Words, and who are willing to live the revolutionary life that Jesus has set before you. Because they
will be tested, and only those of great faith and loyalty will be able to stand strong and continue to raise the standard and the rallying cry for their peers. If they have great faith, even if they're shaken, even if they're taken aback by the New Wine that's coming, they'll be able to stand strong.
         It's a time of purging and testing! It's so important that you have these sold-out young people to be a sample, to rally the troops and to turn the tide of the Evil One, for he is seeking to sweep away this young generation! He is seeking to steal away my hope of the future!
         But Jesus and I will not let him succeed! Though Satan has desired to have these, that he may sift them as wheat, we have prayed for them that their faith will not fail! But they need examples. They need those who are strong and loyal to the Kingdom, those who do not have doubts, and who have great, great love. So find them and raise them up! Train them and strengthen them, for you will need them in the days to come.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family