         Abide in My Words, and let them abide in you. Let them dwell in you richly. Drink them in, eat them, imbibe them; but do not neglect My voice. Listen to it. For I speak to you through My Word, and I speak to you through the gift of prophecy, and I speak to you in the whispers in your heart and in your mind when you commune with Me, and when you stop here and there and look up--in those times when your receptivity is highest and those that help you can whisper in your ears and place things in your heart and mind and can give you direction. So exercise these gifts.
         Know and understand that My Word is first and foremost, for I exalt it even above My Name. But for further strength and help and guidance, listen to My voice and listen to the whispers, and you shall have strength that you know not of. It shall make your task easier, for you will be allowing us to direct you more from this side, and we will work together even better.
         So tune in! Fine-tune and hear the voice of the Lord your God, and of those whom He has sent to help lead and guide and instruct you. For we are in it together, and together we will march forth to victory, and together we will win the world for Me! And we will do it so much more effectively if you will tune in, if you will get your radio signals from Heaven and your instructions through My Word, through My voice and through the whispers.
         As you exercise this gift of prophecy, you will have a clearer understanding and greater faith. As you see those things work that I say unto you, and the fruit that it brings forth, and the joy and encouragement and instruction that it gives unto you and others, you will see how much easier the job can be if you let us participate.
         So come on! Let's work together!--You working together there and we working together Here, all of us working together. For it is
our work and it is your work and together it is all of our work. For we all seek the same goal--to bring forth My light and love to the lost, to bring great joy to the world, and to proclaim My truth unto the ends of the Earth! (ML #2995)

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