         For this cause did I pray My final parting prayer, and for this cause do I continue to pray for you, My beloved, that you may be one, as My Father and I are one, that the world may believe that My Father has sent Me.
         For this cause also do I pray that you may be one, so I may give you the same glory that My Father has given Me! For this cause I pray that you may be one in Me, and that you also may be made perfect through Us. For this cause I do pray that you may be Here with Me, to behold the glory and the splendor that My Father does bestow upon Me, for He has loved Me, as He does love you, from the beginning.
         For this cause I pray for you, that you may be one in each other, and one in Us, and We in you. For in this unity I am able to pour down My blessings. Only in unity will you find your strength. Only in unity will you find power to be and power to do. Therefore you must fight for unity and strive to keep the bond of peace, that My power may rest upon you.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family