I love to walk with you in the sunset, on the beach of life, making footprints in the sand, feeling the cool water of the Word splash upon our feet, melting our hearts together, uniting us, strengthening your love for Me and My desire to be with you. As the moon glistens on your face and the wind blows gently through your hair, I hold you in My arms and wipe away your tears. I gently tell you that I'm always there, and that I'm proud of you for your dedication to Me and your love for Me; even when no moon could be seen, even when the stars did not seem to twinkle, for the clouds covered them; even when the rains poured and the winds fiercely raged.
When you came to Me and held My hand and said, "I will continue to walk with You," then you saw the clouds roll away and the stars shine again; the moon became full and beautiful and bright; the fiercely raging wind turned into a gentle breeze, and the birds sweetly sang their song once again. I did all this for you, because I love you.
As you continue in the things whereunto I have called you, I promise you that your feet shall not slide. For I am not only by your side, but I am also underneath you, above you, all around you. When your arms grow weary, I will hold them up; when your head is tired, lie on My breast; when your feet are weary, I will pick you up and carry you. I will continue on with you until you reach the goal, when I shall be with you not only in spirit, but also in body. You who have loved Me though you see Me not, in that day your eyes will open and we will see each other face to face and we will be one forever.
My faithful handmaiden, My precious bride who has reserved herself for Me--I gladly take you into My arms and I love you, I fill you, I thrill you, and I send you into ecstasy! I do it again and again, every time you come to Me. I love you, My faithful bride.
Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family