Remember that the single set of footprints that you see in the sand are not yours, but Mine! At times in life we can feel alone and forsaken. I was touched with the feeling of that same infirmity, for I thought for a moment that the Father had forsaken Me on the cross. Therefore, press on, continue on no matter what you feel, and it won't be long before you will know that you have made the right decision.
When the gardener prunes his bushes, they may look a little naked and destitute for a while, and it may hurt, but he does it out of love in order to bring forth more fruit. When the sunshine comes again after the winter, and the leaves come out and the blossoms grow, the plants are more radiant and beautiful than ever before!
Likewise, the Master Gardener does not wield the cutters endlessly, without reprieve! After the time of pruning and purging, He waits patiently to see the fruit thereof. Therefore rest assured that the time of blossoming and bearing fruit will come, and you will radiate, sparkle and shine, and find fulfillment in doing My will.
Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family