         I have called you out unto Me, solely unto Me. Though you desire others to uphold you, I show you that it is only
I that uphold you. Others fail you, but I never fail, for I am always there. I am your Husband, I am your Lover, I am your Protector and your Keeper. So do I enfold you in My arms and hold you close to Me.
         In the natural you seek for these arms of comfort, for the strength of the arms of these that love you. But all things in the natural fail, yet I never fail. My love never fails. I hold you in My arms and
I comfort you. So come unto Me. Come into My arms. Rest in Me. Find your comfort in Me, and look not to that which others have. Look not to human love but look unto Me, for I have love to give you that no man can give you, the love of the Spirit.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family