         Year upon year upon year, I have poured out to you My Words, My training, My truth, My light, My wisdom and My love--so much so that these have become a part of you. They are one with you. They are part of your innermost being. I have poured out to you young ones in greater abundance, in more fullness, in more understanding and with more truth than I have poured upon any children throughout the ages! This was necessary because of the Tribulation that you will undergo, and I even now prepare you.
         You say, "I have all of this, I need to use it. I must use it. Where can I use it? When can I use it? I have it and I want to use it!" I say to you, you are as the clay in the hands of the Potter. The substance is there, the potential is there, and you are being formed into the vessels that I will make you to be. But have patience and faith, for all that you go through--the testings, the trials, the purgings--these are the things that turn you into the vessel that I would make you to be. For you are in My hands and I am molding you.
         Don't be discouraged or dismayed. Be patient, for I have given you much training. You are as those who have received great knowledge, but who now must learn to translate the knowledge into action, that that which they learned and has become a part of them will ooze out of their spirits and out of their lives. Thus have I set you free to operate more according to My Words and according to the training that I have poured into you. These days are your testing ground to see if you can learn to use the knowledge, all that I have poured into you, in a wise and loving manner.
         Some have grasped this and they grow abundantly! But many have yet to learn how to truly take My Word, that which has been poured into them, and use it in their own lives, unbridled by overseers and those who tell them, "You must do this and you must do that." These must learn to use My Words, to use the training, to use My Spirit in their lives, that they may become even more prepared for that which is ahead.
         I say to you, the days ahead shall be days of your usefulness, days of your fulfillment, days in which you shall see within yourselves the might and power of God! But to be fully used in
those days, you must in these days learn to use My power, My Spirit, My love, My Words, and the training that I have poured into you (ML #3052).

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family