What may look to you like more leeway within the boundaries of My will is but a sign of the changing times. I have always given My children a certain amount of leeway throughout the years, yet in times past the degree appeared less because man's possibilities were less. Life was simple and choices were fewer.
In the wake of the age of space, as mankind advances and makes new discoveries and grows into a greater understanding of the secrets of the universe, man is faced with greater possibilities and opportunities than ever before, and so does it appear that I give more leeway. As things move faster, so do opportunities grow. Therefore I widen the boundaries for My children to accommodate the changing times. I adjust My limitations so My children may choose, within the boundaries of My will, what course to take.
See now a simple illustration: In times past, to travel from point A to point B, there were but few ways to go--to walk, or to ride the beast of burden. Now to travel from point A to point B you have many choices--train, boat, plane, bicycle, car, bus and more. So it is in this new day--the scope of choices is magnified because of the changing times. Are there not many more doors of ministry that I open to you, My children, in these Last Days? Do you not have many more and greater means of communication? Does not your range of choices affect more people as you grow and mature and raise your families? So do I broaden the boundaries within the tunnel of My will.
Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family