         Look not ahead! Look not ahead to one month from now, or two weeks from now, or one week from now, or even one day from now. Fret not yourself for tomorrow, for as I have promised, tomorrow will take care of itself as you cast your burden on Me and continue to cast it on Me. Look not ahead even one hour from now. No, look not ahead even one minute from now, but rather stand on your faith for this moment only, and I will sustain you, as I have promised.
         Are you worried and burdened with the strain of it all? Yes, I know you are. Therefore this is the time when you must fly to Me. Fly to Me on the wings of prayer, on the wings of My Spirit, and I will sustain you.
         These burdens and obstacles you see before you now were not designed to fit your narrow shoulders, but they were intended for Me to carry as I lift you up and bear the burdens for you. For in My love and in My compassion I have fashioned it so, that you may draw close to Me in the way everlasting, that you might lean hard on My bosom, and rest here on My gentle breast, that you might need Me, love Me, and be driven into My arms. For I love you and have need of you, and I will carry you through, if you will but continue to cast all your care upon Me (ML #3073).

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