         Best is best, greatest is greatest, and most is most--most satisfactory, most desirable, and surpassing others. Those who choose to follow My highest and My best are they who give Me great satisfaction. I am well pleased in all those who make the grade. Yet My desire toward those who follow closely by choosing My highest is magnified. If there were no difference between second and first--second and best--what excitement would there be in having to choose at all? Where would the challenge be, and where would your choice lie? If there were not a difference, then what would be the point of taking the test?
         As it was with Adam, so has it been the same down through all history. I have always set My will before you, and it is up to man to choose. This is the mystery of the divine majesty of choice that I have allowed to be placed in the hands of man. This is the divine power that I bestow upon man, that he must choose what road to take. Yesterday, today, and forever, man will have choice.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family