         I call you out that I may bring you in--in to an understanding of My love for you, and in to an understanding of the strength that I have given you. I call you out and away from home to help you grow, so you can see that you can stand, and that I will help to uphold you.
         Like a tree that stands in a pot and is nurtured and well cared for in a nursery is then transplanted into the firm earth, so is it with you. You have been nurtured, lo, these many years, and now I plant you into the earth and you shall see that you will grow and bear fruit. When you are planted in the earth you are no longer in the safe confines of the nursery, but you are more exposed to the elements--the wind and rain and snow and sunshine. But this strengthens you and causes you to grow and to bear and bring forth fruit.
         Your interaction with others of your own age will also teach you many things, and will help you grow and understand. There will be many lessons, and there will be many joys, and there will be some heartbreaks. But each thing that I bring across your path is to help you to grow, to strengthen you, to draw you nigh to Me, and to make you into the person that I want you to be.
         Oh, the wondrous things that you shall learn! This is My purpose for sending you, that you
shall learn and that you shall grow, and that you shall prosper and become fruitful.
         Trust Me for whatever comes your way. Whatever befalls you,
know that I love you and that I am with you, and that I care for you. I will pour forth manifold blessings upon you: blessings of My love, blessings of My Word, even blessings of trials so you shall grow. Know that I am with you and that I love you and care for you. Know that I love you, and thus I give you your heart's desires. I am well pleased in your faith to take this step, and I send you forth with helpers and protectors to keep you and to strengthen you, that you may grow into the person I have designed you to be.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family