         My disciples came to Me and said, "Lord, teach us to pray," so I gave them a model prayer, a sample to follow, an example so that
they could pray and they could learn how to hear from Heaven. I couldn't do all the praying for them, and get all the answers and all the solutions. So likewise with these questions or problems, you also must teach My children to pray and to seek Me.--To not only present their petitions before you, but to bring their petitions before Me and to hear from Me, and I will answer them and speak to their hearts and show them. This will give them faith and help them to be obedient, and it will make things easier for all.
         In My love for you I answer your questions and I give you the guidance you seek. It pleases Me that you seek Me. Continue in all your ways to seek Me for the answers, and I will lead and guide and manifest My love to you in answering your many questions. I love to lead and guide and instruct you, so that we may walk together and you may be My hands, My heart, My eyes and My love to those around you.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family