         The Enemy goes about as a roaring lion, seeking whom of the children of David he may devour and turn away from their faith. Those who are tempted with his doubts must cry out desperately to Me and cling to My Word and receive of My Spirit to be washed and cleansed and kept from the lies of the Enemy. I will keep them, and not one of My children will be lost if they cry out desperately to Me. For I am able to deliver them from the doubts and the power that the Enemy wields.
         But those who choose not to cry out to Me, but prefer to go their own way and to live their own lives according to their own plan, and choose to reject My Words and the truth that has been given to them by the Light of Israel, and choose not to uphold the standard of their Father David and of My Word and to teach it unto their children and to speak of it in the gates and to raise it high and proclaim it and be proud to be part of the Endtime army of David--these will grow weaker and weaker, and soon will not fight with David's mighty men. For how can they fight with David's mighty men except they wear his colors and carry his banner and display his symbol, and that for which the Family stands and has been anointed for, to carry the Endtime message to the world?
         For you are a peculiar people and a chosen few through whom I have chosen to work and whom I can trust with My messages. There are few of My children in the world who continue to have unfailing faith in My fresh new voice, but you have been yielded and open and receptive and willing to follow Me wherever I go. Such faith have you received from your Father David, who was willing to receive My Endtime message and My anointing upon his life as the Endtime prophet, and continued to follow Me wherever I led, every day of his life. You will receive this same anointing if you continue by faith, not yielding your crown to the Enemy.
         For there rages a spiritual warfare! The Enemy seeks to speak to each Family member. He seeks to whisper in their ear doubts about their Father David, and about the Words that I spoke through him. He knows that if they will swallow his doubts and listen to his lies, their faith in everything will be shaken.
         So be not ignorant of the Enemy's devices, but be strong and be forewarned. Listen not to him, but remember from whence you came, how you clung to your Father David and how you rejoiced that I had raised up one shepherd over My sheep, even My servant David. This is not a time for doubting My Word, but for strong faith and strong belief in all of My Words. It is a time to hold the standard high and proudly display the banner of the Family of Love, and proudly witness your beliefs and your faith to the world.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family