         Your praise is very pleasing to Me. Sock it to Me with your words of love and your praises! I love to hear each one, and it inspires Me and excites Me in the same way that My Words excite you. Your praises are your love kisses to Me. Just as My Words kiss you and comfort you and encourage you, your beautiful words of praise and your pledges of love give Me encouragement and comfort and happiness.
         I never tire of hearing your words of praise. Thank you for telling Me that I'm beautiful, lovely, inspiring, adorable, fabulous, irresistible, fascinating, dazzling, magical and encouraging, and for telling Me how wonderful My Words are. You can never say enough words to Me. I'm always eager for more. My ears are always listening for your praises.
         You can use any words to praise Me. There are none too small or too big. Stretch your vocabulary! Let your heart overflow to Me! Don't be shy. Don't be embarrassed. Use those words. Tell Me I'm incredible, magnificent, electrifying, grand, stupendous, far-out, wild, cool, groovy, "in the house," "out of this world," way up, on the ball, the best, the greatest, the neatest, the most! Tell Me I really "send you!" Anything you want, I love it! I'm yours and I'm here for you.
         So lay it on Me! I love it and I need it and I want it! Love Me with your words of praise! Let go and really love Me! Tell Me that I'm easy to be with, simple, unassuming, comfy-cozy, a homey Hubby. I love to be your Hubby! You can give Me any name of endearment that's in your heart--any pet name that will be real special between you and Me--and I might give
you one! (ML #3045).

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family