         In your loneliness, call out to Me. And though you cannot see Me or feel Me, you will be closer to Me than if you were lying in the arms of a lover, and more intimate than when with your closest friend. In those times our love will grow stronger and our relationship deeper than any earthly love could ever hope to be!
         In this oneness with Me will grow your greatest and most lasting happiness, fulfillment and contentment. The aching in your heart that you have for a mate is what I use to start this deeper relationship with Me, which is the beginning of the deeper love that we learn to have, and that is continued when you arrive Here. That longing to share, to talk, to fellowship, to have constant companionship, to love and to feel loved, will be completely fulfilled when I return for you, My wife, My lover.
         But for now we can love in Spirit. So come--come into My arms! Love Me. Kiss Me. Talk with Me. Walk with Me. Share your heart and thoughts with Me. Make love to Me. Come be with Me constantly, all the time, everywhere you go, in everything. I want to be with you. There is not a minute that I don't want to be with you, by your side, listening to you, looking at you, lying with you, sleeping with you, eating with you. Everything about you I love and want to share. So come--come be with Me. Be My wife, My lover.
         I will only be gone a short while, on a short journey. I shall return for you. I know you miss Me, but we shall be together again and the wait shall have been worth it. The wait will make the love greater, and the joy of meeting again a great joy, with tears and laughter such as you have never known before. This is a great joy, and we shall be in each other's arms again. You will be glad that you waited for Me.
         Come and be Mine! Be My lover and My constant companion, My darling, and My sweetheart.--Your Lover and Husband, Jesus (ML #3045).

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family