         Your service to Me has been filled with many mountains, and many steep and deep valleys. You have been as one walking who trips into deep holes, and must then climb out and begin again. You wonder why you have to be faced with the deep valleys, and why you fall into the holes, for the falls are painful and the holes are deep, and it requires effort to crawl out and to once again begin your journey.
         You go into the valleys and you fall into the holes because of your overconfidence. When I put you on the straight path or when I bring you to the mountain peaks, you so easily forget Me and do things in your own strength, thinking that you have the wisdom and the understanding to do the things that I have anointed you to do. You have looked upon others and said, "I know better than they." Thus I have allowed you to trip and to fall into these holes, so you would be desperate and so you would see that your own wisdom is not that which has done the things that you have done, but it has been My power, My anointing, My wisdom, and My strength.
         How do you keep from falling into the holes or traveling through the valleys?--By constantly looking to Me, giving Me the credit and the glory, and letting Me empower you. How do you accomplish this?--By praying desperately every day for Me to lead and guide you. By judging that which you do by these questions: Does this glorify the Lord, or does this glorify me? Am I listening to others, or am I only giving my opinion? Am I yielding to the voice of the Lord? Am I yielding to the voice of my teamworkers? Am I yielding to the counsel given by others? Am I so sure that I am right? Is what I'm doing bringing forth love in others and showing love to others? Am I manifesting the fruits of the Spirit--longsuffering, joy, meekness, temperance, love, patience?
         Judge all your actions by the touchstone of love and of humility, and thus I can keep you. Thus can you travel on the road without falling into the pits, and thus can you climb the mountains and remain on the peaks (ML #3043).

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family