         I would that you not be fearful of using the gift of prophecy, but that you would rejoice and exult and be in ecstasy over My Words, that you would be so happy for how I am pouring out! They are not to be feared or to be nervous or anxious about, for I have tried and proven you as fit vessels to give My Words.
         It is of utmost importance that you hold not back, but that you pour forth My Words in a bubbly, joyful, happy, sparkling stream, to refresh and enlighten My children. You will receive new strength for your tasks. You will have new joy in your labors if you will see the confidence and the faith I have placed in you to entrust you with this greatest of all treasures--My Word.
         For did not I say that My Son was My Word made flesh? I sent Him as a manifestation of My Word. And now in this time, these Words that I give you are again My love embodied and personified--gifts of love for you to enjoy and revel in. For this is one of the main uses of these Words of Mine--for you to enjoy Me and to love Me and to know Me better.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family