         Continue to fight the good fight of faith for My young ones, for they are very precious to Me and I have great need of them in these Last Days. Many are the dupes and deceptions of Satan, but few are the mighty men and women of My Spirit who will be strong and stand up against the flood of evil that is covering the Earth, and the forces of darkness which seek to deceive and to destroy.
         I need strong young warriors of David, those who have the fight and the fire of My Spirit, who are strong in Me and in the power of My might, who have been nourished and fed at My hand.
         David has fed you these many years, and now these young ones are the fruit of his labors, and of your labors, and of My tender care and feeding and protection. I will be a mighty strength within them, a mighty power, a terrible force for good and for My truth and My love, if they will commit themselves to Me and rise up to face the foe in these Last Days! These young ones are important to Me as My Endtime warriors and vehicles of My strength and power to combat the forces of the Evil One! It is for these days that I have given and nourished and fed and protected these young ones, and led you in their care, for I have great need of these young warriors.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family