         Lovest thou Me?--Love one another. Lovest thou Me?--Care for one another. Lovest thou Me?--Sacrifice for one another. For by this shall all men know that you are My disciples--because you love Me and you love one another!
         You do many things out of your love for Me, to show Me your love. You obey, you go forth to witness, you even give your lives for Me. Now I say unto you, do such deeds for one another, that all may know of your love for one another. In doing these deeds for one another, you do them unto Me. For he that does these things unto the least of these his brethren, does them unto Me.
         I have filled you with My spirit of love, but as with all gifts, it must be exercised. So begin. Begin to love one another. Begin with deeds of kindness, with words of love, with touches of affection, with the showing of appreciation, with the speaking of kind and appreciative words to one another, the holding of hands, the patting on the back, the stroking of the face.
         Begin by faith to manifest this gift of love that has been poured forth upon you. And as with all gifts, as you become exercised therein, it shall grow and grow and become stronger and stronger, and you shall radiate My love for one another! (ML #3011).

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