         I need a companion! Would you like to be a companion to Me? You heard Me say that I needed a bride, a wife, and a lover, and you've agreed to be all those to Me. But I also need a companion, someone who will talk to Me regularly, and whom I also can talk to like a friend. Do you have a friend? Do you have someone you can talk to regularly? Someone who is special to you? I would like to be a friend to you and a companion. You can even be a listening ear to Me, and I want to be a listening ear to you.
         I would also like you to be a listening ear to others, for there are many who need a listening ear. There are many who would like to pour out their hearts to someone as unto Me. Would you be that companion, that friend, that listening ear for My sheep, those that I love so much? If you are faithful to be a listening ear to Me and indeed learn to be so, you will also learn to be a listening ear to others, and you will have a great ministry.
         Many carry a big burden, and how wonderful it feels when they can unload it or share it with someone else whom they trust. Of course they can come to Me and talk to Me, the same as I expect you and want you to come to Me. But they will look to you as a vessel in My service, and you can be a companion, a friend, and a listening ear that they need.
         I want you to primarily be a reflection of My love, and in so doing I will empower you to be other things. For you have many gifts, some that you have not even noticed or seen yet, that I have yet to give you. But you will have to come even closer to be empowered with all that I have for you.
         So be a listening ear! Be a companion and a friend to Me. I will whisper many, many things to you if you will but listen and care for the whispers that come from Me. I love you very special, very dearly! Will you come closer? Will you be My companion and friend? Will you accept to also be a companion to others?

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family