I stir the waters and dredge up all that is settled. I bring it up and expose it, that it may be filtered through the sieve of testing and of trial, that it may be made pure and clean and fresh and re-aerated. For water that lies still loses its sweetness. It becomes flat, for it is not filled with My air. It must be stirred and splashed about so that it can once again come to life.
So it is with these that I test and try--I stir the waters and it dredges up some of the mud and some of the silt and some of the unsavory things, that these can be seen and filtered out. But this must be done so that the water can be made fresh once again, and alive and thirst quenching, and that it may be cleansed and filtered.
Some say, "Oh, but I like the flat water, the water that is still, that moves not, and I am comfortable with this. Do not stir me up." But without the stirring they receive not the life of the air of God that reinvigorates and re-aerates these still waters.
So when you look upon one that is being tested and tried, pray for them and encourage them. Encourage them to hold on and to realize that I am breathing My air into them--My breath, My Spirit--that they may once again come alive (ML #2987).
Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family