         The Promised Land is the land of My Spirit, the land of My power, the land of My strength, the land where My children no longer need to struggle in the arm of the flesh to do the things that they seek to do as they attempt to accomplish My will. It is a place in the spirit where My children shall be empowered with a greater power and a greater anointing, where they shall have rest from their labors, where they will have tapped into the power of My Spirit, where they will operate in the power of My strength, and thus will receive My blessings.
         They will operate in harmony and in unison with those in the Spirit, and thus will have a new power, a new strength, and a new anointing! This will bring forth a new joy and a new peace and a new rest--no longer struggling, no longer striving, no longer weary.
         For when the children of Israel crossed the Jordan, they still had much to do. They had to conquer the whole Promised Land! But as they stayed close to Me and cried out to Me, I defeated their enemies. They went forth to battle, they put in some effort, but they sought Me and I gave them instructions, and they always won as long as they stayed close to Me and sought Me. They were assured of victory if they battled according to My plan.
         I did many miracles and brought forth great victories! I even went ahead of them in My power and cleared the land of their enemies. I did things that they knew not of until later. I sent forth hornets to drive out the inhabitants of the land so that the land would be free for My children.
         I work in many ways, and if you will seek Me and cry out to Me, if you will love Me and praise Me, and if you will grasp all that I am saying, My power and My Spirit will work in even greater and stronger ways than it did for the children of Israel in their Promised Land (ML #2987).

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family