         The things of old are past, and behold, all things are become new! I have made you into a new creature. As the caterpillar that crawls upon the ground and is so close to the dirt and so earthy enters into a cocoon and is changed and comes out as a butterfly, one that flies in the heavens and sees the heavenly things and no longer sees the dirt on the ground, so is it with you. So have I changed you! So have I given you beautiful wings to fly into the Heavenly realm as you set your mind and your affection on things above, and as you listen to Me and to those that help you. I am turning your mind and your eyes and your ears and your heart
Heavenward, and as you look up, I will pour forth upon you in a new way.
         Behold, old things are passed away! That which was before is no longer. That which was before is dead and gone. For when the cocoon opens, is the caterpillar there any more? No, it is gone. It is finished. It has changed, and a
new life has come forth, a heavenly life!--One that flies into the heavenlies and knows and understands and sees things from above and no longer from the earth; one that sees things from the heavenly realm. Yes, this is how I have made you (ML #2992).

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