LC: Index

10:36 problems, 179
         required reading lists, 261-62
16- 17-year-olds
         attending financial meetings, 324
         exception to Home membership requirements, 53
         exempt from Home debts and liabilities, 42
         financial decisions, 26-30
         financial obligations, 46
         knowledge of financial status, 25
         marriage rules, 345-47
         medical decisions, 77
         must live with members over 25 yrs. old, 54, 325
         no vote on financial matters, 25, 30, 308
         not eligible for Business Teamworker, 310
         not responsible for debts, 10, 27-30
         opening new Homes, 53-54
         parental counsel on sexual matters, 71
         parental permission for sexual intercourse, 71, 277
         parental permission to marry, 345-47
         parental permission to move, 37-39
         pregnancy (responsibility of sex), 277
         punishment for sex outside of age range, 234
         right of mobility, 37-39
         right to education, 80
         road teams, 54
         sexual activity, 276
         sexual intercourse, 277
         voting members, 10
         required reading list, 262
2/3 majority vote, definition of, 308
2-by-2 rule, 122, 263
30-day notice, 33
         before moves, 33-37, 47-49
         extension of, 47
         responsibilites if departure date expires, 47
         to close Home, 57-58
         to leave Service Home, 129
         to move Home, 54-58
         when Home membership revoked, 123-24
         appointed by CROs, 163
Academic records, keeping, 68, 99
Academics (favorable), 237
Accidents, driving, 47-49
Action committee meetings, 93
Acts 2:44-45, 8, 323-24
         for receiving WS mailings, 221-27
         in Want Ads, 161
         mailing lists, 52-54
         of children for parents, 71, 73
         of parents for children, 82, 100
Adequate education, definition of, 79
Adult personal time, 336-37
         for children under 14, 279
         rules, 62-65
Age designation
         Charter, xx
AIDS test
         after sex with non-Charter members, 222
         for partial excoms, 221
         live-out partial excoms, 223
         new disciples, 182, 185
         transitional period, 190
         forego while on Partial Excommunication, 223
         quotas, 250
Alcoholic beverages, 250-51
Amendments, to Charter and Rules, 141, 149
Appearance, importance of, 17
Area and continental office
         notify when moving, 36
Area goals
         adherence to, 21, 117
         decided by Home referendum, 164, 315-17
         established by CROs, 164
         sensitive countries, 200
         vote of confirmation, 91, 315-17
Area office
         investigation for
Right of Redress, 64
         notify when moving, 33, 37
Area officers
         appointment of, 150, 163, 167
         approve young returnees moves, 187
         arbitrating inter-Home problems, 93, 168
         auditing Home's finances, 72-75
         authority, 62-63
         confirmation of, 163, 167
         convening seminars/meetings, 164
         counselling, 168
         definition of, 167
         duties, 168
         investigating excommunicable offenses, 175, 225
         investigating violation of rules, 63, 170
         personnel moves, 160
         recommending excommunication, 226
         recommending member for Fellow Member status, 79-80
         recommending Probationary Status, 170
         replacement of, 150, 163
         reporting to CROs, 168
         responsibilities, 167, 62-63
         right to write to, 23
         visitation, 62-63
         witnessing requirements, 241
         Fellow Members, 193
         new disciples, 183
Attendance records (school), 68
audio/video tools
         WS approval to produce, 157
Automatic clearance
         after 30 days, 35
Babes Basic Course, 410
         for new disciples, 183, 356, 359
         new disciple Fellow Members, 219
Babes Status, 210
Babes training
         memorization, 411
Babes, definition of, 183
Baby care, counsel, 158
Balloting, options, 66-70
Bank accounts, 26, 215
Bar pubs, instructions regarding, 112
Beer, 250
Behavioral rules, 230
         determining, 20-21
         fundamental, 3-5
         non-essential, 3-5
         consulting for guidance, 231
         importance of, 1-3, 32-61
         required reading, 5
         rights of children, 78
         non-payment of, 230, 72-75
         payment of, 27, 33-37, 57-58
Birth control, 280
Black/white tracts, production of, 157
Bleached flour and rice, 33-37
Body building, 253
         counseling about, 95-96
         educational, 269-71
         pornographic, 305
         reading, 269-71
Bootlegging CM lit, 205, 21-23
Budgeting, 32-61, 42-49, 318
Business ventures, 266-67
Caffeinated drinks, 251
         age requirements, 251
Cash-and-carry policy, 27
Catacomber, 178
catacomber and live-out members
         reading course when joining CM Home, 220
         City council, 332
         amendments, 141, 149
         Home requirements, 84
         importance of, 168
         obedience to, 88
         responsibility to know, 18, 168
         suspension of, 149
Charter Home
         budget and financial responsibilities, 102
         debt, 102
         definition of, 84-87
         responsibility to its children, 98
Charter Member
         definition of. (
See also Member)
         FM status option if sex with non-CM, 225
         lit eligibility, 355-58
         reporting requirements, 88
Charter Member status
         Fellow Members, 188
         loss of for violating rules, 16, 18, 229
         relinquishing, 218
         requirements, 1-18, 1, 8,
51, 140, 338, 66-69
         revoking, 126-27
         right to retain, 23
         verification of, 122
Childcare Handbooks, 243
         attending Home council meetings, 11
         be informed of their rights, 71
         care of, 73-76, 98, 79-80
         childcare/parenting meetings, 79-80
         communicate with Mama and CROs, 77
         contact with parents, 82
         contact with relatives, 77
         discipline, 69
         education, 67, 79-80, 25-61
         family days, 72, 74, 83, 337
         free of abuse, 78
         get-out, 81, 37-39
         knowledge of the Word, 67
         learning the local language, 25-30
         medical care, 68-69, 73-77, 83, 114
         medical decisions, 22, 76-77
         need two parents, 101
         needs met, 78
         nutrition, 248
         of single parents, 75
         open forum discussions, 211-16
         Parent Time, 72, 83, 333
         parents in WS, 72, 81
         participation in Home matters, 11
         personal time, 333-34, 336
         protecting from abuse, 67
         raise in Godly manner, 67
         responsibility, 78
         responsibility of all voting members, 66, 69
         responsibility of Home, 73-76
         responsibility of parents, 66, 69
         right to communicate monthly with parents, 82
         right to reside with parents, 81
         right to witness, 79, 100
         rights, 78-83
         schedule requirements, 245-46
         sleep/naps, 245-46
         supply of needs, 67, 78
         time with parents, 72, 83, 100
         visiting absent parents, 82
         vocational training, 79, 99
         when parents separate, 72-75, 349-51
         when remarrying, 342-43
         witnessing, 67
         witnessing requirements, 241
         Word time, 78, 245
Children:, 66-70
Choice, freedom of, 11-12, 19-20, 142, 32-61, 231-32
Christian Vocational College, 158, 244
Cities with CM Home
         procedures for opening a Home in, 196
City council, 93, 118, 331
         chairperson responsibilities, 332
         written record of meetings, 93
         Home, 113
         personal, 17
Clearance, 35, 36, 165
         automatic, 59, 158, 159
         between Homes, 56
         Clearance Request form, 371
         Continental office response time, 59
         for nationals, 60-61
         for road team to sensitive country, 60
         procedures, 159
         processing period, 158
         requirements, 60
         road team to another CRO area, 60
         to another area, 49-50
         to country in different CRO area, 159
         to sensitive countries, 200
         valid for one year, 59
         within same area, 59, 159
         witnessing road team requirements, 59
Closed cities, 117, 49-50
         annual renewal needed, 195
         Home notification, 195
         no new Homes permitted to open, 195
Closing a Home, 37, 57-58
         in a Sensitive Country, 133
         returning HER funds, 320
         Service Homes, 130
         with debts, 104, 121-22
CM lit
         accessibility to non-Charter visitors, 85
         during Probationary Status, 210
         Fellow Members on transitional period, 190
         giving to Homes on Probationary Notice, 236-37
         giving to non-Charter Members, 24
CM status
         revocation of, 126
Cocoa, 251
Coffee, 251
Common Pot (area/country), 91
         between CROs and Homes, 164
         between Homes, 49-50, 112-13
         between Homes/Areas, 156
         between teens and adults, 335
Companies, Family, 96-97
Competitiveness, 253-54
         purging when moving to Fellow Member status, 216
         security, 264
         unedifying games, 2
Condoms, 305
         use with mate while on partial excom, 224
         responsibility for ministering to, 33
Continental area Prayer List, 160
Continental office
         14 days to respond to clearance requests, 59
         approve exemptions for teen/YA returnees, 186
         approve previous excoms, 177
         authorising teen moves, 39
         authorize non-CM teens to reside in a Home, 86
         changing closed city status, 195
         clearance, 158
         decide currency exchange rates, 166
         deciding excommunications, 226
         deny excommunication waiver, 226
         denying Fellow Member applications Charter Member status, 192
         disqualifying prospective new FMers, 219
         ensure transitional period visits, 190
         exception to witnessing requirements, 241
         function of, 47-49
         investigate prospective FM returnees, 188
         notification to new members, 219
         notify when moving, 33, 37
         sensitive country status, 199
Continental officers
         acting area officers, 161
         appointing area officers, 163, 167
         appointing Service Home officers, 130
         appointment of, 150
         approve HER expenditures over $1,000, 319-20
         approving local productions, 146
         approving speeches, 146
         arbitration of inter-Home problems, 93
         assigning area officer duties, 161, 168
         assisting single parents, 53-54
         authorising CM lit to non-Charter Members, 24
         authorising legal agreements., 96-97
         authorising media interviews, 95-96
         authorising registration, 164
         authorising translation of tools, 146
         authority of, 57-58
         breaking area office tie votes, 168
         breaking tie vote in Home referendums, 196
         clearance, 49-50, 165
         communication with Homes, 164
         conducting Home referendums, 315
         convening seminars/meetings, 164
         counselling Home/area officers, 47-49
         decision-making, 155
         designating closed cities, 165, 47-48
         designating monthly prayer days, 160
         designating sensitive countries, 132
         determining rights of sensitive country personnel, 134
         determining rights of Service Home personnel, 128
         determining Service Home nature/personnel, 130
         direct correspondence with, 23, 77, 78
         disbursal of WS finances, 164
         establish local WS reporting procedures, 338-39
         establishing area goals, 164
         establishing Family and Education Dept., 158
         excommunicating Charter Members, 221-27
         granting exceptions, 326, 338
         Home opening in a city with a Charter Home, 165
         oversee production centres, 157
         part of WS, 136
         personnel moves, 53-54
         publish Want Ads, 53-54
         publishing area Prayer List, 160
         recommending sensitive country status, 165
         removal from office, 150
         replacing area officers, 163
         reporting to WS leadership, 155
         responsibilities, 47-48
         responsibilities, 155
         revoking membership in sensitive countries, 133
         revoking membership in their area, 165
         revoking membership of Service Homes, 130
         Service Homes, 165
         suspending member's Right of Mobility, 165
         visiting Homes, 161
Continental or area officers
         appointment and/or removal, 150
         with Home, 14
Copyrights, 13, 147
Correction, of individuals, 72-75
Counselling, 32-61
Culture (local), respect for, 16, 94
Current operating expenses, 44
         junior teens, 278
         parental decision, 279
         definition of, 28, 103
         Family policy on, 26-30, 103
         not maintaining Tool fund, 320
         of partial excoms, 224
         Probationary Notice, 103
         to Home members, 29
         Tool fund mis-management, 103
         unauthorised HER expenditures, 72-75
Debts/liabilities, 25
         16- 17-year-olds, 10, 25-30
         departing member, 218
         if moved to Fellow Member status, 214
         members' knowledge of, 26
         new disciples, 183
         not responsible for when moving, 47-48
         of prospective new members, 57
         paying off, 37-39
         personal share, 25-30, 43-46, 34-35, 121-22
         responsibility for, 47
         waiving for departing member, 104
         when closing a Home, 104, 119-22
         when Home membership revoked, 125-26, 62-65
         when joining a Home, 121
         when leaving a Home, 25-30, 33-37, 42-49
Decision-making, by Homes/members, 11-12, 32-61, 62-63, 231-32, 352
Defence, of self or others, 237-38
Definition and Explanation of Terms, xxi
Delegates meetings, 164
Dental check-ups/care, 114
Departing members
         debt/liability responsibilities, 218
         lit eligibility, 217
         ministering to contacts in same city, 40
         responsibility for contacts, 40
         returning HER funds, 217
         support from contacts, 40
Departing new disciples
         assets, 183
Designated gifts, 322-24
Devotions, 47-49
DF Homes, 128
Diet, well-balanced, 248
Disagreements within Home, 11-12
Discipleship standard, 14-18
         for members
                  for violation of rules, 230
         responsibility of parents, 69
Discipline Guidelines, 247
Discipline of children
         Home standard, 69, 100
         parental agreement, 73
         rules, 62-65, 69, 100
Discipline of Home officers
         for unauthorised HER expenditures, 320
Discipline of Homes
         for violation of rules, 64, 88, 94, 152, 66-71, 230
Discipline of members
         disagreement about, 72-75
         for violation of rules, 7, 49, 64, 72-75, 202, 152, 229-31, 239-40
Discipline of unsafe drivers, 47-48
Disease, contagious, 57-58, 84
Documentaries, participating in, 95-96
         driving privileges suspended, 49-50
         license, 255
         requirements, 49-50
         rules, 53-54
Drugs, 181, 236
DTR Rules, 93
         16- 17-year-olds, 80
         certification of, 80
         definition of, 158
         diplomas, 243
         local language study, 25-30
         local laws, 68
         log of scholastic activities, 68
         minimum hours, 26-30
         minimum standard, 26-30
         night classes, 266-67
         reading books, 269-71
         record-keeping, 68, 99
         responsibility of Home, 26-30, 243
         responsibility of parents, 67, 243
         right to, 75-76, 79-80, 243
         secular, 99, 243, 266-67
         student portfolios, 68
         teen/JETT, 158, 27-30
Educational materials, 79, 26-30, 158, 244
Elderly members, 114, 248
Elections, 66-71
         2/3 majority vote, 308
of Home officers, 25, 92, 310, 68-69, 403
         of Home officers in sensitive countries, 133
         of Home officers in Service Homes, 130
         simple majority vote, 308
         vote of confirmation, 25, 313-15
E-mail, 265
         Mama's address, 23
Emergencies, medical, 22, 73, 77, 115
Employment, secular, 102, 119, 266-67
Endeavor, definition of, 88
Engagement, period of, 235, 341-43, 344, 346-47
Excommunicable offenses, 233
         investigating, 171, 175, 225
         reporting, 171, 175, 239
         waiver of investigation, 171, 175
         as disciplinary action, 64, 152
         Continental office enacts, 221
         determined by CROs, 166
         fellowship, 224
         length of, 229
         partially excommunicated member, 358
         previous members, 177
         procedures, 221-27
         rules warranting, 229, 20-21
         rules with no exceptions, 229
         waive investigation, 171, 226
         anticipating, 102
         members' knowledge of, 26
         personal items (major), 319-22
         predetermined amounts, 43-46
         regular monthly, 106
         voting on, 30, 37-39
Eye check-ups/care, 114
Family Aid Fund, 89
         management by WS, 143
         uses of, 143
Family and Education Department, 158
Family days, 72, 74, 83, 337
Family goals
         commitment to, 13, 20, 113, 117
         determined by WS, 24
         witnessing, 241
Family member, definition of, 1
Family officers
         obligations of, 151
Family Rules, 231
Fellow Member status
         as disciplinary action, 152
         Charter Members' attitude towards, 213
         eligible for, 359
         for failure to appear on a TRF, 50
         for infringement of rights, 64
         for serious personal problems, 16
         for violating rules, 152, 170, 230
         lit eligibility when moving, 217
         lit eligible for, 215
         moved to during custody disagreements, 350
         moving to for sex with non-CM, 225
         non-Family members becoming, 219
         processing of reports from, 161
         recommendation for, 211
         recommended by area officers, 170
         recommended by Home, 126-27, 194
         recommended by Home officers, 175
         requirements, 24, 358
         right to move to, 23
Fellow Members
         acceptance into CM Home, 192
         applying for Charter status, 188
         changing status, 357
         CM lit during transitional period, 190
         CRO exemption for members staying with,
         eligible for, 358
         list assets, 193
         lit eligibility, 358
         opening a new Home, 189
         permission to begin probationary period, 188
         personal possession form for those returning, 367
         Probationary period, 190
         reporting, 219
         Right of Mobility, 190
         Statement, 430
Fellowship, between Homes, 265-66
Fevers, 272
         16- 17-year-olds, 10, 47, 308, 324
         16- 17-year-olds, 25-30
         audit by area officers, 72-75
         budgeting, 32-61, 106, 318
         communal/area assets, 121
         decided by 2/3 majority vote, 30, 104, 308
         designated gifts, 322-24
         giving to WS, 20-21
         HER expenditures, 72-75
         liquidating assets when closing a Home, 120-21
         management of, 102
         meetings, 324
         members' right to know, 26
         minimum tithe, 339
         responsibility of Home, 33-35
         rules, 72-77
         surplus when closing Home, 120
         tool funds, 103
         Tool funds, 320
         travel/landing funds, 35, 46, 125-26, 62-65, 214, 319-22, 319-22
         Home standard, 114, 248
         rules, 32-61
Former members
         attitude towards, 213
         previously excommunicated, 177
Forsaking all, new disciples, 185
Foster parents, 83
Friends/contacts, when a member moves, 37, 39
Fundamental Family Rules, 84-87
         amendments, 141, 149
         exceptions, 88, 229-31, 240
         importance of, 84
         obedience to, 88, 72-75, 84
         reason for, 84
         suspension of, 149
Fundraising, 46
         to pay off debts, 43-44, 58, 37-39
         when Home membership revoked, 125-26, 62-65
         when moving to another Home, 35, 45, 319-22
         when moving to Fellow Member status, 214
GED, 80
Get-out, 17, 252
         permitted activities, 37-39
         responsibility of Home, 115
         rules, 37-39
Giving abundance to WS, 21-23
         applying spiritual counsel, 5
Going steady, 342
GP pubs/tools
         duplication of, 158
         local productions, 21-23, 157
         production of, 144
         translation of, 145, 156
GP tools
         WS approval needed for more than one Home, 145
Guardians, 38
         in case of death or injury, 76
         legalised power of attorney, 81
         medical emergencies, 73, 77
         qualifications, 81
         responsibilities, 67-71
         rights, 72-77
         written permission, 73
Healing, 21-23, 114
         contagious diseases, 84, 54-58
         dental and eye check-ups/care, 68, 114
         Family and Educational Dept., 158
         fevers, 272
         food standard, 114, 32-61
         Home standard, 113
         records, 69
         responsibility to stay fit, 17
         rules, 57-58
         departing members returning, 217
         for medical emergencies, 115
         rules for use, 72-77
         transitional CM Homes, 191
         turning over after election, 312
         uses of, 318
         when closing a Home, 120
Herpes, 304-5
High school diploma, 243
         accepting Fellow Members, 33-37
         accepting new disciples, 176
         advertising personnel needs, 53-54
         city council meeting requirements, 331
         city council responsibilities, 93
         Closing Home form, 377
         debts to members, 29
         debts/liabilities of prospective new members, 57
         decide matters not addressed in Charter, 231
         determining personnel make-up, 122-27
         disbanding, 118
         discipline measures, 230
         eligibility for teamwork positions, 403
         expenditures, 106
         finances for departing members, 48
         financial disclosure to members, 107
         forgiving departing member debts or liabilities, 42
         Home Loan Application form, 379
         inter-Home cooperation, 93
         living standard, 113
         management, 11-12, 19-21, 117, 172, 231-32
         minimum personnel requirements for new Homes, 52
         ministering to contacts, 40
         new member's possessions, 58
         only for Charter Members, 84
         opening in a city that has a Charter Home(s), 53
         permission for ministering to contacts, 40
         policy on prophecy implementation, 352
         previewing movies, 268
         Probationary Satus, 209
         procedures for accepting young returnees, 186
         production of tracts, 157
         receiving new personnel, 122
         receiving new personnel with debt, 121-22
         recommending revocation CM status, 126
         reporting new personnel, 328
         responsibilities, 21-23
         responsibility for reports and tithe of members in transit, 50
         responsible for children, 73-76
         responsible to ensure members have Get-out, 115
         revoking membership, 123
         rights, 60-61
         rules, 114-15
         rules for accepting rejoining Fellow Members, 192
         Self-Evaluation Checklist, 386
         sex rules for young returnees, 187
         shepherding of, 172
         staying with non-Charter Member, 85
         supporters, when dividing, 41
         teen/YA returnee's debts, 187
         Tool fund procedures, 120
         Tool funds, 320
         unity, 109
Home address
         permission of Home members to pub, 264
Home closure
         member's liability, 121
Home contacts
         supporting departing members, 40
Home council meetings, 20-21
         15-day deadline, 30, 175
         16- 17-year-olds, 324
         financial matters, 331
         frequency of, 73-76
         junior teens/children, 11
         minimum attendance, 73-76
         moving member to Fellow Member status, 79-80
         new disciples, 10-11, 331
         right to, 20-21, 30
         sensitive countries, 133
         Service Homes, 130
         settling disciplinary disagreements, 72-75
         to revoke Home membership, 123-24
Home goals
         commitment to, 13
         determining, 13, 20-21, 117
         in sensitive countries, 133
         of Service Homes, 62-63
Home library, 111
Home Loan, 28, 43, 105, 121
         to pay debts when closing Home, 121-22
Home members
         final decision on implementing prophecy, 353
         in transit reporting rules, 50
         personal liability in Home closure, 121
         personal possessions, 193
         relinquishing CM status, 218
         Tool funds, 120
Home membership
         requirements for 16- 17-year-olds, 53
         revoking, 123-26
         revoking in sensitive countries, 133
         revoking in Service Homes, 131
Home monthly report
         CRO exemption for member in transit, 50
         for members in transit, 50
         member requirements, 8
         members must appear monthly, 338
         none/late, 338
         processing, 143
         reporting new personnel, 328
         rules for members in transit, 50
Home officers
         appointed, 130, 133, 163
         attributes of, 172
         authority and responsibility, 72-75
         being placed on Fellow Member status, 213
         elected, 92, 67-71
         elections, 308-13
         elections, 403
         eligibility, 310
         implementing Home decisions, 31
         importance of, 172
         in sensitive countries, 133, 163
         medical decisions, 22
         obedience to, 14, 172
         of Service Homes, 130, 163
         override parents' permission for marriage, 345-46
         personal time with Home members, 333-37
         portfolios, 310, 312
         position vacancies, 312
         recommending excommunication, 225
         required number, 310
         resignations, 312
         responsibilities, 172
         role of, 14, 172
         unity with, 172
Home referendum
         determining Home's vote, 315
         opening a Home in a city with Charter Homes, 196
         procedures, 315-17
         Sensitive Country status, 199
         to confirm area officers, 163, 167, 317
         to decide area goals, 91-92, 315-17
Home rules and regulations
         cancelling, 92
         establishing, 11-12, 19-20, 92-93, 117, 231-32
         obedience to, 12-13, 92, 72-75
Home Schooling Program, 243
Home Self-Evaluation Checklist, 338
Home size
         exceptions, 84, 209-10
         maximum, 327
         minimum, 84
         rules, 84, 230, 209-10
Home visitation
         by area officers, 62-63
         by CROs, 161
         female, 306
         forbidden, 233
         male, 233
Housing, overcrowded, 84
Identification, carrying when out, 264-65
Inheritances, sharing, 89
Initiative, personal, 19
Insurance, vehicles, 255-56
Intellectual copyrights, 13
         cooperation, 93
         problems, 93, 168
         access denied while on PE, 223
JETT/teen camps, 164
Joining a Home, 53
         16- 17-year-olds, 56
         decided by 2/3 majority vote, 122
         Fellow Members moving to Charter Member status, 33-37
         if on Probationary Notice, 68-69
         joining a Home with debts/liabilities, 57, 107
         new member's possessions, 58
         procedures, 54-58, 122
         verification of Charter Member status, 122
         with debts, 121-22
Junior High curriculum, 25-30
Junior teens
         attending Home council meetings, 11
         dating, 278
         home council meetings, 11
         parental permission to move, 32, 72
         rest days, 113
         scholastic requirements, 242
         sleep/naps, 245-46
Junk food, 33-35
         non-Charter members, 221
Law of Love
         adherence to, 6-7, 10
         definition of, 6
         essential belief, 3
         get-outs, 254
         sexual activity, 62-63, 280
         sharing material goods, 323-24
Laws (local), 68, 255
Lawyers, Family, 237
Leaving the Family, 213
         parental permission, 38
Legal contracts/agreements, 96-97
Legal matters, when moving to Fellow Member status, 215
Legal obligations, 15
         new disciples, 183
Legal papers, keep up to date, 264-65
Letters (MLs)
         belief in, 2-5, 140
         consulting for guidance, 229-32, 269, 272
         importance of, 1-6, 140, 32-61
         required reading, 1, 5
         definition of, 28, 103
         right to incur, 105
         staying current with, 103
LIMs, 128, 130, 137, 156
         not permitted for weekly ration or special occasions, 250
         classifications, 355-61
         eligibility for those moving to FM status, 217
LIT-PICs, 137, 156
Loans, 103
Local language
         speaking in Homes, 244
         study of, 25-30
Local laws, xx
Love, importance of, 6-7, 10, 151, 172, 254
Magazines, pornographic, 305
         children's, 77
         to Maria and CROs, 77
Mail service, for receiving WS mailings, 338
Mailing address
         Mama, 23
Mailing lists, 114-15
Make It Work,, 342
Male homosexuality
         forbidden, 233
         direct correspondence with, 23, 78
         informing of violation of rules, 63
         16- 17-year-olds, 345-47
         children from previous marriages, 342-43
         definition of, 340
         informing Fellow Member parents, 346
         parental permission, 345-47
         responsibility of, 340
         rules, 340-47
         separation form, 384
         with non-Charter Members, 233
         YAs with adults, 235
Media Homes, 128
Media interviews, participating in, 95-96
Media spokespersons, 95-96
Medical care
         16- 17-year-olds, 77
         authorising guardians, 73, 77
         children, 68-69, 76, 83, 114
         decisions, 21-23, 114-15
         emergencies, 23, 77, 115
         if parents absent, 73, 77
         new disciples, 84
         responsibility of Home, 114-15
Medical decisions
         children, 21
Medical records, children, 69
         childcare/parenting, 74, 333
         financial, 74-76
         minimum attendance, 74-76
         required, 93
         united, 47-48
         witnessing, 73-76
Member Evaluation Form
         discontinued, 60, 158
Membership classifications, 355-61
         during babes training, 411
         required, 1
Metropolitan area
         city councils, 93
         witnessing within, 54
Military service, new disciples, 183
Minimum Home size
         exemptions, 326
         single parents, 326
Minimum responsibility for married couples
         pregnancy, 281-304
         reasons for releasing from, 292
Minimum responsibility for singles
         pregnancy, 281-91
         reasons for releasing from, 282
Ministries and duties
         turn over before moving, 33
         turning over before moving, 39
         joining as new disciples, 178
         overnight visitors, 85
         power of attorney, 32
         Probationary Status, 223
         16- 17-year-olds, 37-39
         between Areas (example, 35
         care of supporters, 41
         debts/liabilities, 25-30, 33, 42-49, 57-58, 37-39, 122
         departing member's plans change, 48
         during move to Fellow Member status, 214
         Fellow Members, 190
         if Home membership revoked, 124-26, 131
         in sensitive countries, 132
         informing office of destination, 37
         Junior teens, 32, 72
         new disciples, 185
         non-voting members, 32
         notification to area and continental office required, 33
         partial excommunication, 222
         prayerfulness and consideration, 32, 33-35
         preparations, 35
         Probationary Notice, 33, 49-50, 68-69
         Probationary Status, 33, 50
         procedures, 32-61
         reason for, 32
         reporting requirements, 50
         responsibility for contacts, 40
         responsibility for reports and tithe, 50
         right of, 12-13, 15, 19, 32-61, 70, 99
         Right of Mobility notice, 374
         stipulations, 33
         support from contacts, 40
         suspension of right, 50, 165
         time allowed in transit, 50
         turning over ministrties, 39
         voting rights suspended during move, 33, 37
         waiving 30-day wait, 37
         waiving debts, 43, 57
         within area (example), 36
Modem communications, 265
Modems, use of, 114-15
Monthly Home Report, 88
         procedures, 338-39
         processing, 156
         read by Home members, 339
         required, 338
Monthly prayer day, 160, 330
Monthly reporting
         member requirements, 8
Movie previewing
         exceptions, 268
         forego while partially excommunicated, 223
         participating in, 95-96
         pornographic, 305
         previewing, 268
         unedifying, 2
         viewing, 267-69
         allocation of funds, 46
         those on Probationary Status, 209
Moving a Home, 117
         in a sensitive country, 133
         Service Homes, 130
         to a city with a Charter Home, 118
Music, 269
         ungodly, 2
Naps, 246
         children learning local language, 243, 244
         clearance, 60-61, 165
Net income, examples, 43-46, 126
New disciples
         assets, 183
         attending Home council meetings, 331
         becoming a voting member, 184
         debts, 183
         definition of, 355
         grace period before forsaking all, 185
         home council meetings, 11
         legal/military obligations, 183
         lit eligibility, 355-58
         medical condition, 84
         minimum Word requirements, 260
         minimum Word time requirements, 110
         minors, 178
         no sex for six months, 279
         no sex with for six months, 233
         not a voting member, 184
         parents/relatives, 178
         participation in Home matters, 11
         Personal Data form, 369
         personal possession form, 367
         pubs to read before joining, 179
         required STD test, 182
         requirements, 178, 84-87
         Right of Mobility, 185
         rules for sexual activity, 184
         sex, 133-34
         Statement of Commitment form, 368
         time period before accepting, 177
         Word time
                  requirements, 5
New Homes
         forbidden in closed cities, 195
News articles, writing, 95-96
Newsletters/appeal letters, approval of, 145
Night classes, 266-67
         for Home Teamwork, 310-12
         must have a second, 310
         posted in Home, 310
         right to decline, 310
Non-Family members
         applying for Fellow Member status, 219
Non-voting members
         during 30-day notice, 33, 37, 47
         Fellow Members rejoining a Charter Home, 193
         new disciples, 355
         partial excommunication, 222
Notarized permission to travel
         16- 17-year-olds, 39
NPC service charge for missed mailings, 207
Nursing mothers, care for, 114, 248
NWOs, working on, 16
         to Charter and Family rules, 88
         to Family rules, 72-75, 229-32
         to Home officers, 14, 172
         to Home regulations, 12-15, 92, 72-75
         to results of Home votes, 14-15, 31
         to rules, by leadership, 229-31
         legal, 15
Offensive activities, 94, 202
         counselling Homes/members, 32-61
         help resolve custody disagreements, 350
         lead people to the Word, 32-61
         limits of authority, 151
         loving shepherds, 151
         no authority to forbid marriage, 343-44
         non-dictatorial, 11, 32-61
         obligations of, 33-37
         offer counsel to troubled marriages, 349
         offering counsel to engaged members, 343-44
         personal sample, 154
         prayerful, 151, 32-61
Official representative of Family
         written permission needed, 96
One Wife, 66, 323-24
Open forum discussions, 334-35
Opening a Home
         16- 17-year-olds, 53-54
         during Probationary Notice, 68-69
         Home size, 84
         if Home membership revoked, 131
         in a city with a Charter Home, 165, 171
         in a closed city, 49-50
         no approval needed, 52
         rejoining Fellow Members, 189
         right to, 14-15, 19, 52-54, 70
         staying with Fellow Members,
         stipulations, 52
         temporary Home Teamwork, 309-10
Over-the-counter drugs, 236
Parent time, 72, 83, 333
Parental permission, 38
         dating, 279
         form, 376
         Junior teen moves, 72
         minors leaving Family, 24
         Senior teen moves, 37-39
Parenting teamworks, 76, 101
         Excom for refusal to accept responsibility, 235
         married couples, 281-304
         singles, 281-91
         authorising Senior teen marriage, 345-47
         authorizing continental office for teen moves, 39
         being agree to disciplinary action of their children, 73
         can't forbid YA marriage, 344
         Child Progress Report, 381
         children dating, 279
         children on partial excommunication, 223
         children's address and phone number, 73
         contact with children, 74
         counsel on parenting, 158
         counsel teens on sexual matters, 71
         determine amount of contact of children with relatives, 77
         final decision regarding their children, 66-69
         give address to children, 71
         helping place teens leaving Family, 213
         in World Services, 72, 81
         informed about their children, 74, 99
         informed of children's well being, 73
         living apart from children, 72-75, 77
         medical decisions, 76
         personal time with children, 72, 100
         personal time with children and teens, 333-34
         responsibilities of, 66-71
         rights, 72-77
Partial Excommunication, 226
         as disciplinary action, 152, 240
         changing Homes, 222
         CRO must notify member and Home, 226
         debts, 224
         decided by CROs, 166
         for sex related offense, 221
         forego alcohol while on, 223
         forego movies and TV, 223
         forego surfing Internet, 223
         procedures, 221-27
         reading list, 418
         restrictions while on, 221
         sex with mates, 222
         sexual activity with mate, 224
Passport, carrying when out, 264-65
Peer pressure, regarding sex, 133-34
Personal data for new disciples, 183
Personal possessions
         new member of a Home, 193
Personal time
         adults, 336-37
         ages 9-20, 72, 333-34, 336
         confidential, 334, 337
         parents with children, 72, 100
         parents with children and teens, 334
         Home size requirements, 84
Personnel moves
         2/3 majority vote to receive members, 56, 122
         advertising needs, 53-54
         affecting minimum Home size, 325
         assuming debt of incoming member, 122
         during Probationary Notice, 68-69
         fevers or sickness, 272
         in sensitive countries, 133
         praying about incoming member, 123
         receiving members with debts, 57-58, 121-22
         Service Homes, 130
         temporary moves, 61
         verification of Charter Member status, 57, 122
         waiving debt for incoming member, 57
Perversions, sexual, 304
Phone-sex services, 305
         membership requirements, 52
Pork, 248
Pornography, 305
Port (wine), 250
Post office boxes, 215
         for receiving WS mailings, 338
Poste restante, for receiving WS mailings, 338
Power of attorney
         for guardians, 81
         for minors living apart from parents, 32
PPCs, 157
         area Prayer List, 160
         before a new disciple joins, 176
         Family officers, 151, 32-61
         for engaged couples, 341, 342
         for friends/contacts, 73-77
         for get-outs, 254
         for the sick, 114-15
         management of Home, 20
         medical decisions, 22
         monthly prayer day, 160, 74-76
         personal, 1
         responsibility of Family officers, 154
         united, 1, 49-50
         vigil, 75-76
         when accepting new personnel, 123
         when driving, 257
         care for, 114, 248
         Family and Education Dept., 158
         minimum responsibility for married couples, 281-304
         minimum responsibility for singles, 281-91
         Senior teen/YA, 277
Press releases, writing, 95-96
Previous live-out or catacomb member
         eiigible for, 356
Probationary Notice
         as disciplinary action, 152
         automatic, 204
         enacted by CROs, 166
         first stage, 204, 206
         for debts, 28, 103, 230
         for exceeding/falling below home size, 230, 329
         for infringement of rights, 65
         for insufficient united Word time, 109
         for low standard, 113
         for non-payment of bills, 230, 72-77
         for offensive activities, 94
         for violation of Charter/rules, 88, 152, 204
         Homes listed in Want Ad, 161, 205
         receiving CM lit, 236-37
         restrictions while on, 206
         Right of Mobility, 33, 49-50
         second stage, 207
         violation of WS reporting rules, 338
Probationary period
         FM requirements, 189
         shortening, 189
Probationary Status
         a Home decision, 170
         as disciplinary action, 152
         can't attend Home council meetings, 331
         changing Homes while on, 209
         decided by simple majority, 210
         definiton, 209
         duration determined by the Home, 209
         for infringement of rights, 64
         for violating rules, 152, 170, 230, 240
         member on, 355
         member refute allegations, 210
         reading list, 209, 418
         recommended by area officers, 170
         recommended by Home officers, 175
         restrictions while on, 209
         Right of Mobility, 33, 50
         Right of Redress, 210
         implementation, 352
         revelatory or directional, 353
         rules, 352-54
Prophetic revelations
         need approval from Mama and Peter, 141
Proxy (for voting), 309, 331
Pubs purges, 111
Raising funds
         to move, 35, 43-46, 125-26, 131, 214, 319-22
         to pay off debts, 25-30, 42-49
Reading list
         16-year-olds, 262
         during partial excommunication, 222
         for 15-year-olds, 261-62
         for returning FMers, those on PE, 418
         new disciples first year in the Family, 421
         Probationary Status, 209
Reading, unedifying, 2
         definition of, 62
         right of, 62-65
Registration, 164
Registration, vehicles, 255-56
         contact with, 77
         of new disciples, 178
         Arrangement with departing members, 33
         by area officers, 168
         excommunicable offenses, 175, 239
         infringement of rights, 62-63
         progress of Home closure, 121-22
         requirements, 88
         TRF requirements, 338-39
         violation of rules, 62-63
         area officers, 167
         continental officers, 155
         determined by WS, 141
         Home officers, 172
         of area officers, 62-63
         of CROs, 162
         of Home, 24
of Home officers, 72-75
         of individual members, 1
         of parents, 66-71
         turning over before move, 39
         violation of, 1, 66-71
         WS leadership, 140
Responsibilities (in the Home)
         turning over after election, 311-12
         turning over when moving to Fellow Member status, 215
Responsibility, for your decisions, 11-12, 231
Rest days, 112-13
Revoking membership
         area membership, 165
         Home membership, 123-26
         of Service Homes, 130-31
         sensitive countries, 133
Right of Mobility
         (see Mobility), 32
Right of Redress
         investigation by area officer, 64
         determined by WS, 141
         in sensitive countries, 133-34, 200
         in Service Homes, 62-63, 197
         of children, 78-83
         of Homes, 60-61
         of individuals, 62-65
         of parents, 72-77
         of voting members, 25-61
         protection of, 154
         reason for, 6-7
Road Team Home, 55
Road teams, 53
         16- 17-year-olds, 54
         clearance requirements, 59
         exemptions for 16-and-17-year-olds, 54
         witnessing responsibilities, 60
Road trips, 32
Roller blading, 253
Rooming together, 341
         defined by WS, 8, 141
         e-mail, 265
         exceptions to, 229-31, 248, 251
         for non-CM teen temporary residents, 86
         obedience to, 88, 72-75
         Obedience to, 229-31
         previous, 8, 265
         responsibility to know, 18
         driving/vehicles, 53-54
         Home, 113
         importance of, 16, 17
         negative/detrimental, 202
Schedule requirements, for children, 245-46
Scholastic requirements, 242
         junior teens, 242
         senior teens, 242
Security, 114-15
         address/mailing lists, 114-15
         computer files, 264
         Home finances, 26
         selah trash, 264
         telephone procedures, 115
         Want Ads, 161
         while staying with relatives/friends, 85
         with non-Charter visitors, 85
Seed corn, when fund raising, 43-46, 126
Selah information
         Bank accounts, 26
         Home funds, 26
         WS reporting procedures, 338-39
Selah trash, 264
Seminars, 164
Senior teens
         scholastic requirements, 242
Sensitive countries
         clearance, 200
         designating/revoking status, 165
         rights of personnel, 128, 133-34
         road team clearance requirements, 60
Sensitive country status
         revocation procedures, 200
Separations, 348-51
         before February '95, 348
         contact with children, 71
         custody arrangements, 72-75, 349-51
         definition of, 348
         form, 384
         only with mutual consent, 348-49
         when one mate loses Charter Member status, 348, 349, 350
         written/legal agreement, 350-51
Service Centers, 128
Service Home
         definition of, 128
         Home officer elections, 130
         Home size rules, 209-10
         how to become, 129
         maximum size, 327
         opening, 165
         operated by CROs, 165
         personnel make-up, 130
         prospective members notified in advance, 197
         relinquishing certain rights, 133
         revoking Home membership, 131
         rights of personnel, 62-63, 197
         WS supported, 128
         age limits, 235, 21-23
         age range exceptions, 235
         AIDS, 182, 233-34
         coercion, 131, 280, 306
         Fellow Members on transitional period, 190
         male-with-male, 233
         mates "withholding" from each other, 130-31
         mutual consent, 235
         new disciples, 184, 279-80
         not permitted for new disciples, 279
         parental permission needed by senior teens for sexual intercourse, 71
         parental permission required for 16- 17-year-olds to have sexual intercourse, 277
         peer pressure (teens), 277
         rejoining Charter Members, 233-34
         rules, 62-65
         rules governing, 273
         Sexual afflictions (herpes rules, etc.), 304-5
         shepherding of relationships, 274, 276
         unselfishness, 62-65
         while partially excommunicated, 221
         with non-Charter members, 222, 233
         with non-members, 233
Sex and Hygiene, 304-5
Sex for Babes (new disciples), 233-34
Sexual afflictions, 304
Sexual intercourse
         agreement needed, 280
Sexual perversion, 304
Sexually transmitted diseases
         rules pertaining to, 305
Share the Know, 42-49
         abundance with WS, 24
         age range exceptions, 235
         material goods, 8-9, 322-24
         personnel between Homes, 61
Sherry, 250
Shticking, 34
         care of, 73, 114-15, 248
Simple majority vote, definition of, 308
Single parents
         additional assistance, 53-54
         care of their children, 75
         minimum Home size, 326
         supplying assistance for, 100
Sleep, requirements for children, 245
Smoking, 181, 236, 272
Sniffing glue, 236
Sodomy, 233
Special occasions
         limited to two per month, 251
         permissible alocohol limits, 251
Speeches, 146
         authorization, 95
Sports, 253-54
Spousal violence, 237
Standard of living, Home, 113
State of Emergency, 25
         declared by WS leadership, 149
Statement of commitment for new disciples, 193
Statement of Faith, 3-4, 140
Statement on Fellow Members, 430
Statistics, compiling, 143, 47-49
STD testing
         after sex with non-Charter members, 222
         deciding ownership of items, 9, 323-24
         importance of, 9
Street address, for receiving WS mailings, 338
Studios, audio/video, 128, 137
Sufficient assistance, determining, 75
Sugar (white), 33-37
Surplus funds, 45, 120
Suspension of the Charter, 149
System music
         guidelines, 269
Tea (caffeinated), 251
Teen/JETT shepherding/education, 158
Teen/YA returnee, 356
         eligibile for, 357
         requirements for rejoining, 186
Teens, 86
         leaving the Family, 213
         non-CM Family residing in a Home, 86
         open forum discussions, 334-35
         personal time, 333-34, 336
         Word time, 109
Telephone, procedures, 265
Temporary Home Teamwork, 309-10
Temporary separations, 349
Tie vote
         Home referendums, 196
         Home Teamwork election, 311
         management by WS, 143
         minimum, 88, 89, 339
         none/late, 338
         when fund raising, 43-46, 126
Tool distribution
         permission and procedures, 156-58
Tool funds, 103, 120, 320
         production by Homes, 157
Transitional CM Homes
         HER fund, 191
Transitional period
         AIDS testing requirements, 190
         Fellow Members, 190
         No sex with CM members, 190
         officer visit requirements, 190
         of outreach tools/pubs, 145, 156
         of WS publications, 156
Travel/landing funds, 35, 45-46, 125-26, 131, 214, 319-22, 319-22
Tree-climbing, 253
Trial period, for new disciples, 181
Tutors, private, 99, 243
         forego while partially excommunicated, 223
TV viewing, 2
Unclean foods, 248-49
Unity, between Homes, 93
Vermouth, 250
Vespers, 109
Videos, unedifying, 2
Violation of Charter/Rules
         consequences, 66-71, 229-31
         discipline, 7, 66-71
         expelled from country, 202
         investigating, 66-71, 225
         loss of Charter Member status, 88, 211
         Probationary Notice, 204
         reporting, 239
         resulting in excommunication, 239-40
Violence, 237-38
Visa/business trips, 58
         to closed cities, 195
Visiting Homes, 32, 61
         with contagious disease, 57-58
Visiting relatives, 32, 60, 85, 160
         no clearance needed, 160
Visitors (non-Charter), 85
Vocational training
         children's right to, 79
         definition of, 244
         part of education, 158
         responsibility of Home, 99
Vote of confirmation
         area goals, 91-92, 315-17
         area officers, 163, 167, 314-17
         Home officers, 25, 313-14
         2/3 majority, 21, 308
         abiding by decisions reached, 12-15
         absentees, 66-71, 331
         abstentions, 309, 331
         balloting methods, 68-69
         considering others, 10
         in Home council meetings, 31
         proxy, 309, 331
         responsibility of, 11-12, 231
         simple majority, 21, 308
Voting members
         definition of, 308
         requirements, 355
         responsibility of Home, 49-50
         W&R days, 112
Voting rights
         after 30-day notice expires, 48
         during partial excommunication, 222
         Fellow Members becoming Charter Members, 193
         new disciples, 184
         suspended after notice of move, 33, 37
         teen/YA returnees, 186
         junior teens, 113
         voting members, 112
Want Ad
         advertising needs, 98
         form, 373
         listing of Homes on Probationary Notice, 205
         responsibility of continental office, 160
Weaknesses, overcoming, 16-18
Wine, 250
Wiping computer files, 264
         children, 67
         exemptions, 241
         in closed cities, 49-50
         local language study, 25-30
         minimum required hours, 241
         monthly meeting, 76-77
         not mandatory for children, 79
         part of education, 158, 244
         responsibilities of road teams, 60
         responsibility to, 7, 90
         right of children, 79, 100
         ungodly influences, 2
         within metropolitan areas, 54
         Word time on witnessing days, 245
         live in accordance with, 5
         minimum for new disciples, 260
         minimum weekly requirements, 260
         rules, 262
Word Curriculum, 245
Word time
         for children, 78, 245
         importance of, 1, 5, 32-61, 168, 231-32
         minimum, 110
         minimum for new disciples, 110
         part of education, 158, 244
         personal, 1, 110
         publishing of, 140
         required, 1, 5, 53-54
         requirements, 109
         requirements for new disciples, 5
         united, 1, 53-54
         Word time, on witnessing days, 245
Work permits, 102
World Services
         approving local GP productions to be used by more than one Home, 145
         authorising disbursal of WS finances, 164
         living standards, 144
         mailing address, 23
         make-up of, 136
         personnel, 84-87
         responsibilities, 21-23
         right to recall HER funds, 318
         right to write to, 23
         role of, 135
WS directives, to establish goals, 91-92
WS finances
         disbursal of, 164
         management of FAF, 143
         management of tithes and gifts, 143
WS Homes, 136
         responsibilities, 21-23
WS leadership
         appointing/removing CROs/VSs, 150, 163, 167
         approving Home size exceptions, 327
         approving Sensitive Country status, 132
         authorising closed city status, 165, 195
         authorising CM lit to non-Charter Members, 91-92
         breaking CRO tie votes, 155
         definition of, 136
         establishing leadership levels, 163
         exceptions for sex with non-Charter Members, 233
         give approval for sensitive country status, 199
         providing counsel to CROs, 142
         responsibilities, 140, 21-23
         succession, 137
         vetoing CRO/VS decisions, 150
         withdrawing permission to remain in country, 203
WS mailings
         FM mailings, 67-71
         service charge for missed mailings, 207
         supplied by CROs, 156
WS publications
         applying counsel from, 142
         consulting for guidance, 231-32
         financing of, 143
         health guidelines, 272
         importance of, 5, 32-61, 168, 229-32
         local language, 111
         music guidelines, 269
         on loving leadership, 154
         posting mailing contents, 112
         purges, 112
         reading of, 52-54
         required reading before joining, 179
         translation of, 156
WS reserves, 144
WS, supported Service Homes, 128
WS-issued funds, 120
         marriage rules, 341-45
         open forum discussions, 334-35
         personal time, 333-34
Young returnees
         parental permission, 186
         requirements for rejoining, 186