(From 1981) Knew Disciples "He knew her S she conceived S bare a child"-Genesis 4:1. NORTH AMERICA r GIRL--Sharon Rose, 4th to Simon & Kathy; USA--28/6. B0Y--Solomon David, 2nd to David & Tali- tha, USA--20/7. gp_Y--Pablo David, 4th to Michael & Rebec- ca; USA-28/7. GIRL'-CUire Rain (Jesus Baby), 1st to Liberty; USA-5/7. BJtfÑDaniel, 1st to Josephus & Lire; Canada--10/7. BJtfÑDavid Michael (Jesus Baby), 3rd to Samara; USA-29/7. GIRLÑLeilani, 2nd to Isaac & Daylight; GIRLÑShannon Morla, 1st to Peter & Tamar; USAÑ15/6. USA--7/81. BQY-Benjam1n, 4th to Jamln & Miracle; EQ1--Mark Matthew (Jesus Baby), 3rd to CanadaÑ14/9. Sunshine; CanadaÑ8/81. GIRLÑVirginia, 8th! to Zerah & Eden; BJJYÑJared (Jesus Baby), 1st to Angela; USA^-9/81. USA--10/8. GJ.R1-Esther Marie. 2nd to Ira & Esther; BJiY-Louis Philippe, 2nd to Paul & Lucy; USA-28/8. Canada--17/8. BQY--Jonathan, 4th to Titus & Charity; GIRL-Shannon Aleta, 5th to Joy & Paul; USA-31/8. USA-26/7. BQI-Aaron, 1st of Joash & Lynn; USA- B_pJL-Jed1diah, 6th to Robin & Peace; USA 6/7. -30/8. BOYÑChristopher, 2nd to Samuel & Adela; BOY--Thomas Joseph, 4th to Manasseh & USA-22/7. Lily; USA-8/81. GIR_L-Georgia (Jesus Baby), 4th to Sara; GIRLÑCeleste Ann, 4th to Crystal & Jere- USA--4/7. miah, USAÑ1/8. B_QY_--Joshua David, 1st to Amos & Ashley; BOYÑBenjamin, 2nd to Job & Tryphena, C USA-29/7. USA-8/81. ¤ BOY-Andrew Mark,6th to Zohar & Sharon; BOY-Sancho, 2nd to Marc & Claire; Canada USA-7/81. -25/6. QIRL--Nathalie Alba, 5th to Matthew & Tir-BOY--Stephen Paul, 3rd to Timothy & Tamar; zah, USA--23/12. USA--18/8. GlRL--Rosa, 5th to Nehemiah & Ruth; USA GJ.RJL--Esther Rose (Jesus Baby) 4th to --12/12. Mary; USA-14/10. GIRLÑJoan Melodie, 2nd to Mark & Rachel; B_QYÑJoshua Edward, 6th to Corban & Canada-5/81. Praise; USA-23/10. BQY--Abraham Michael (Jesus Baby), to GIRLÑRachel, 2nd to Abraham & Esther; Renee Wildfire; Canada Ñ3/6. USAÑ23/10. BQYÑSeth Wesley, 4th to Shad & Serenity; GJ.RL--Amanda Joy, 4th to Henedad & Maria; Canada-18/6. USAÑ1/10. BOYÑToby James, to Jonah & Rainbow; GJRLÑVirginia Roselba, 5th to Ben & Ann; USA-18/6. USAÑ9/81. GJRL,--Marie Anne, 2nd to Reuben f, Katrina;GIRL_Ñ Amber Lynn, 3rd to Samuel & Ruth; 6/81. USAÑ30/11. BQY--Gabriel, to Olive A Hezekiah; USA-- GJR1ÑValouH Ann, 3rd to Branch & Charity; 1/6. USA-3/11. GIRLÑSharon Rose, 4th to Simon & Kathy, GIRLÑElizabeth Ann, 3rd to Rephaiah & USA Ñ28/6. Victory; USAÑ24/11. BQYÑJason Earle, 2nd to Daniel t> Faith; QQYÑJoseph Lewis, to Robin & Hope; USAÑ USA-14/7. 7/11. B.QYÑJonah Michael, 4th to Nathan & Star; GIRLÑTabitha Abigail, 2nd to Shalom & USA-7/8. Ishi; USA-23/11. BOYÑPhilip Michael, 4th to Ernie S Suzan-gQY--Emmanuel David, to Manna & James; na; USA-4/7. USAÑ15/11. BOY ÑJered David, 1st to Rachel i Keilah; RfjY--Philip Daniel, 8th! to Matt & Joy USAÑ11/7. Child; USAÑ15/11. B0I--P.afael, 4th to Elisha & Bathsheba, B0Y--Stephen Daniel, 3rd to John & Robin; USAÑ29/9. USA--8/7. Testimony of a Child Bride & Young Mother "It's quite natural for our children to have children very young, as It happened to me..... ing the innLng my frimnd went with him ÇY the/- were on the couch together k I Just went around talking with different people, kissing several boys etc. I stayed at someone's house that night A didn't really do anything because I was still a child in my mind, I had a normal system upbringing * even to my friends I w%m a little bit free. My inclination was mainly towards kissing and affection and a little petting and I never made love with anyone beoauee I was a bit afftaid because of my upbringing. I had masturbated often from about 9 years old * I really enjoyed it, but my mother never told ma anything about sex A I had to find out a lot by myself. After seeing Jeremy that night I saw him in town k at a few other parties I went to k he was always very sweet to me, but he was dating my friend k I didn't really mind beoause I knew I seemed very young for him, usually he went out with girls his own age k I was four years younger than him. I went away for Christmas to my relatives, and when I oame home I found this Christmas card that had been posted thru my door signed b,' Jeremy, with a little pioture of himself by his uJsignature. I thought, "That's really ¤nice,lwonder where he is." On New Year's Eve, a day after, he knocked on my door and asked me to go out with him. I asked "What about Mary?- He said, "We aren't going out together anymore." And I said, "Alright." So we went to this party to- gether. As we went we talked about the first time we'd met k he explained to me why he told me to come back in 10 min- utes. It was because a girl had been talking to him k asking him to go home with her, and he didn't want to offend her, as she was standing right there when I was talking to him. So that's why he asked me to come back later. Any- way, I was so thrilled to be out with him, he was such a gentleman k we had a very sice evening together, kissing k petting k he asked if I would like to go out with him more, and I said, "Of c ourse," Prom then on we started dating every night k we were very close. He would come every evening to take me out k I be- gan to really lose interest in my school I realised I really loved him k would literally do anything for him. After dating for awhile we finally made love <. at the age I was, I felt that it was a real commitment because I really loved Daddy Jtrimy-now tinging for the Lord at MWMI (Photo by Tony.) him. It was about Spring or Summer 1967, uhile he was playing in his band, aV as they say, "got discovered." Peter Greene asked him to make up this band, "The Fleetwood Mac", and he agreed. We would see each other every 2 weeks or month, k this did seem like a testing time. I finally went to stay with him in London, telling my mother I was staying at Peter Greene's parents' house, LHMl Jeremy had a little bed-eitter, k I stayed with him for about one week. This must have been the tins that I got pregnant but I wasn't aware of it at the time. School was be- coming worse and worse, I just wanted to be with Jeremy. I missed my first period, then my second period, k it dawned on me that maybe I was pregnant. I was very healthy, I was doing school gymnastics, swimming, everything in the curriculum, not feeling tired, but my breasts were getting huge. I realized I was pregnant. I decided to try to go to my doctor to be checked, but he would not do it without my mother's consent. During this time Jeremy was coming back and forth from London k we disoussed it & I guess we were a little scared beoause of our parents, our age, and everything, but we had no question in our minds about our devotion to one another. We finally realised we had to tell our parents. First, I told my mother, then Jeremy told his. My Jeremy & Fiona with the youngest of their 7 children From Fiona ;MWM: I would like to share with our worldwide Family my testimony of be ing a child bride and a young mother. It wan very different then than it is now being in the Family k having this situation occur. In our Family, it is a normal, natural part of our lives and we should expect it. In the system it's abnormal, looked down upon k makes one's friends k relatives ashamed of you. But now we're totally free from system's opinions and we're back to being like the days of the Bible where children are a great blessing A you have as many as you can. I would like to share this especially for all our parents who have older children. As children love to share, when they're little they're very eager and it's great fun, but maybe when your daughter has her 1st period you mny not feel no nonchalant, maybe you will bo a little concerned. There really ie no reason for concern, as over the years with myself k my own children too, I found out that God really controls all these details A He never gives us more than we can har.ale x actu~ ally it's quite natural for our children to have children very youn/r, as it hap- penned to me Jereny k I were both brought up in a nor- mal middle class home, we're both English k the English do tend to be rather re- served k Jeremy especially had rather a conservative type of home life. He had only one sister * his parents were very nice k very good type psople k they were not very free in mentioning sex or ans- wering his questions. Often they got angry with him when he would tease or ask. questions that he knew would upset them. As he got into his teenage years, he started playing music k got into being a little more worldly-*ise * into sex and music because he played in s band k went to many parties k met different types of people. As for me, my parents gave me quite a lot of freedom. I had two older sisters but sex was never talked about in my home be- tween my father and mother, * also they were not very affectionate towards one another. When my father died I was 13, * it seemed to make my mother more open towards me and about sex k she would answer my questions A the things that happened to her when she was young A also what she got up to with my father. Both Jeremy A I went to the similar type of schools of England, Grammar School. He went to an all-boys school and I went to an all-cirls school. When I met him he had f inishei school A was working in an office. I was 14 years A he was 18. It was October, 1966. I had started for 6 months going to parties A usually evory Saturday ni-ht there was a party in town. 1 was to ;:o to my 1r,t "all-night party", I really didn't know what I was going to do all nif^it, but it was more for the fun of it. I liked boys A I liked having a nice time and doing different thing:;, hut I was always usually quite careful. I met Jeremy at this all-night party in a big country house. He was sitting by the fireplace, listening to the records. He was very deep in thought, deeply listen- ing to the records being played, I think he was the one putting the records on. I wnt over to him, I sat on his knee A eajd, "You look very sad. I would likB to tm*n you happy'." He was a little surprised but tery sweet A he said, "You co^ld come bÈ'k in 10 minutes." Being a Leo I wao n lit- tle offended, I didn't quite understand, 30 I just went away A I diin't come bacr., my pride was deeply hurt. However, dur- fflother, at first, was upset, but then realised there was nothing she could do about it. Jeremy A I had spent a lot of time together A when he was in town he would stay at my house up til 3-41OO in the morning A then leave, but my mother would always go to bed A leave us down- stairs k we were always making love, sosetimes 3-5 times a day'. When I told my mother I was PG, she said, "I might have known. What are we going to do?" So we went to the doctor A he confirmed it- 4 or 5 months, A he asked my mother if she wanted it terminated. At first she said, "Yes", then she said, "Lord forgive me I" I told her I wanted the baby A I wanted to go and live with Jeremy in Lon- don. I was just 15 k this type of thing was unheard of, but she considered it A agreed that I could live at home with her until the baby was born A then we would see. Jeremy's parents were a little more out- raged k maybe they felt more responsibili- ty because I was only 13 and under legal age. Jeremy could have been put in pri- son by my mother if she had wanted to press charges because I was under legal age. Nevertheless, God gets His greatest victories out of seeming defeats k this was really the only way that could ever have made our parents realise that our relationship was serious enough for mar- riage. I was a little conoerned myself A wondered why* Being a Christian, I pray- ed A I asked the Lord why this was happen- ning k He gave me the very simple answer that it was the only way our parents would take ua seriously A be prepared to let us marry. At first my mother did not want ie to see Jeremy anymore, but when I showed how much this hurt she agreed that he could come and visit me A his parents also agreed. The band he was in was starting to do well A he was very busy A whenever he was close to the town we lived in I would go with him to his bookings and be there with him. The rest of the band did not know how old I was A one of them asked, "Well, why don't you marry her if she's pregnant?" Jeremy replied, "She's too young." I was too young to get legally married, yet here I was preg- nant I I finished school, I walked cut, I couldn't take it any longer, it was a joke k I was a scandal in my town. My family doctor, I believe, didn't really want to take care of me during the preg- nancy, so ^ave the excuse of, "because I was so young A a small person, to have professional care in Birmingham" almost Beautiful Fiona. (Photo by Tony.) 20 miles away'. Well, although it was a bit of a scandal, my mother was very good A a very great help in some ways. She took very good care of me A whenever Jeremy was in town he was able to see me A we still made love, though she didn't know. I had a very healthy pregnancy, I didn't know anything, but went to this special hospi- tal on the appointed times A I was doing well, no problems, A my due date was coming up. Meanwhile, Jeremy was visit- ing every time he was in the vicinity A I would go with him on his bookings. I went to one booking already overdue A the next morning I woke up in labour. I told my mother I thought I was in labour A she was all nervous, but I told her, "It's OK, I'm alright. I'll wash up A get ready, pack everything." And Jere- my's father was to drive me to the hos- pital which was 20 miles away, but I had quite a peace A it was really exciting. I had had no preparation, no exceroise classes, because the hospital was so far away that it wasn't possible for me to attend. I arrived at the hospital and had quite a normal long first labour, 12 hours. It came to a certain point that I didn't really know what to do because I had had no preparation classes so I asked the nurÇÇ to help me oop* A she showed as how to breaths. Jeremy's mother had ooae to via it a* 4 was very nervous A I was in hard labour at ths tint. When I entered ths hospital I went into the labour ward a heard this woman screaming. I thought, "Lord help me not to do that." The labour got really hard and I was de- termined not to get out of control A held on to the top of ay hospital bed during my contractions. Then this nurss showed ae how to breathe A this really relieved a lot. Jeremy at this time was busy playing in another oity in England * so he was not abls to be there. Ths delivery went very well, the baby was small, but vary healthy. I tore a lot, I believe beaause of laok of preparation, * the stitohing up was quite painfull The next day Jeremy oam to see me in the hospital A our parents were quite ha pry * the doctors were very happy with me. This professor who was supposed to be over me I never actually saw until after I had had the baby. When I met him in the hospital, pushing Dicon, the baby, around, he said, "Oh, you're our young- est patient * I hear, the bestl" So our parents were very happy with this new ¥_. little life A really wanted us to get £2 legally married which wasn't possible ¡until I was 16 years old. Dicon was born in June A I was 16 in August. So Jeremy's parents wont on the attaok to arrange our marriage. We got married in a little country churoh with Just Jere- my's parents, my mother, Jeremy's sister, Jeremy & 1 -my sister was babysitting'. We then went to London to live in a lit- tle bedsitter, very small but very cosy. We were very happy, no problems onoe we were away from our parents. It seemed a natural thing to me to have a baby, al- though I had never held one in my whole life'. In fact, in the hospital they didn't want me to breaet feed because they thought I was too young, and I had to insist on it. Nevertheless, I did manage, not for very long, but I managed for sons time. We continued to live in London with Dicon who was a very good baby, very good toddler) but alas (ac- cording to the system's standards) I got pregnant again'. What were we going to do? I was only 16 and pregnant for the second tins'. But Jeremy Mas so sweet. I went to the doctor * Re o on firmed it, and I went home A Jeremy said, "It's alright. Another baby's fine." Well, the second birth was easier than the first, BO fast A easy, A the doctor that was helping me at the time told ms how healthy A good it was for a girl my age (17) to have a baby, and how it helps ¥top breast oanoer A other things. At this time I had a relationship with the Lord A when I went into the hospital I took a New Testament A a nioe photograph of Jeremy. Jeremy waa away at that time in Sweden, the band was doing very well, getting vary popular. When Dioon was 6 months old I went to America with Jereny A Dioon on a tour that bands take to different oit.las. About all it is is hotels A airplanes A people. Jeremy wanted ma to go, so I went with Dicon, and I learned a lot I Some times we would be in places where it was minus 1* below aero with the winds A everything A we couldn't get out of the hotel room to buy nappies or anything for the baby, so I learned how to survive in that way with him A he was a very good baby. I was the only person in that sphere of life that had a child and was so young. It even shocked the members of the band. They thought that Jeremy was a bit irresponsible! At that time too we got into drugs, when I was 15-16 while touring America, into smoking dope A LSD too. It was an experience for a while but became a dead-^nd street. We finally moved out of little apart- ments, bed-eitters, A terrible London life, into this big house in the country along with other members of the band. Dioon was 2 years old, Heidi was 6 months. It was nice to be out of the city, but there were other problems, feeling alone A feeling like I wasn't doing anything ¥ worthwhile. Thru having children, going thru the pregnancy A labour, being alone a lot, I was drawing closer to the Lord. I prayed A asked the Lord to help me do a work for Him, to do something with the children for Him. At that time, in that situation, it seemed a little fax away, but I kept praying, asking, A believing that the Lord would work things out. During that time, Jeremy met the Family A I joined him after 2 weeks I We have been living A working for the Lord in the Fami- ly, doing different thingc A being in dif- ferent places, for 1C years. Now our children are grown A we have more'. Dicon is now 13^, Heidi is 12, A we have a total of 7 children. The Lord's teaching us all the time with the children and their needs, spiritual, mental, physical, A sexual needs. Dicon at 13 years old is almost a man, desiring his own wife, his own ohildren, his own ministry. Our ohildren sing a lot, have a lot of tal- ents, reaoh a lot of people A are follow- ing in their father's footsteps. Heidi is quite talentad singing, she's learning a lot of things. They're all learning to be real witnesses & I think this is the age where you really have to make the de- cision to serve the Lord. Where we live at MWM we do have a lot of fellowship, a lot of sharing, A the children are very fortunate to be able to partake of this. As I said before, it's eany for our lit- tle ones to chare A stay with one an- other, even make love if they can, they're all small and they can manage it. But when they get 10, 11, 12, & on, our children like to share with the adults. I found some adults in our Family are very helpful, very loving, & very patient towards our children, & will take tine to really help them & love them & even teach them. In fact, I haven't really heard of a bad experience in our Family with our children sharing. I have talked a lot with the children about my own testimony and I treat them as adults, because, al- though it was a long time ago when I was their age, 12-13, I would have loved to have been in the situation we are now. I feel that almost all of our Family, the brethren ar* really underntanding, very gentle, very loving, & there is no need to fear for the children, & they should be really free to love and share with the other brethren just as we do. When they have sperm, when they start their period, that's the testing time, how much do you trust the Lord, how much do you believe His promises, His blessings, etc? Being worried like our parents,the older generation aro watching us, their grand- parents) or not caring, only wanting to flow with tha spirit, with this love, helping the children to be really free, A helping them to bring forth fruit'. I feel that the best thing for our older children Is to be kept buty in the Lord'i work. Kine are usually recording, sing- ing, helping with drama parts, or wit- nessing. And if they are not busy with this, then they oarry a large load at horns with their younger brothers and sis- ters or helping around camp on aeal prep, dishes, and Dicon helps in the school with the younger children teaching then>. Dicon no loager needs much schooling A can help to teach the younger ones, A works on the KP newsletter A scripts A types them up. W? try to have him use his talents for the Lord's work. His study time is only for God's Word, but he will sometimes pick up a book, which I do allow if it's free time A he's read the Word first. Heidi still does a little school work to catch up, but her mini- stries of recording A witnessing do come first. She is a good little mother A loves little projects to do at home when she's free. I do not believe children of this age need playtime as children, but rather freetime as the adults . They do tend to get moody A sensitivo sometimes but this usually happens when they are not busy. I try to encourage them to be as adults and don't allow much adolescent bad behavior. People say teenage years are the diffi- cult years, but I never had much prob- lems myself because I was married A a mother at a young age and had plenty to do A keep me occuoied. Even more so far our children who are busy all the time A don't really go thru much of an adoles- cent stage. God bless jou. I hope this is some help in the training of our children. There's not long'. *i)o you realize that your children are go- ing to be flaming teenage pro heta A evangelists by that time - the greatert force on earth - the moot powerful wit- nesses the world has ever known? (iatÇn