Ref Category REVA: Fulfilled Prophecies (through David), Dreams, Answers to Prayer
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(AUG. 1970) FOR AWHILE WE WILL BE BIG NEWS & GET PATTED ON THE BACK FOR OUR GOOD WORK converting the radical & dopers, but soon they'll realize what a threat we are to their children, & to their System.
[DAD FINDS MOUNTAIN ISLAND VILLA just as he had dreamt it!]
WE HAD A QUIET LITTLE VOYAGE AROUND THE VOLCANIC ISLAND OF STROMBOLI THAT NIGHT, which has been active lately; but as we slowly circled it, & Maria had missed the action, I prayed the Lord would turn it on again, which He did, just for our benefit, with quite a thrilling display of His own fireworks. You know, the Lord is really something, when He'll even put on a fireworks display for you if you ask Him to. It gave us a thrilling taste of His power, & the power of prayer.
IT WAS THERE IN CALIFORNIA GOD GAVE US PSALM 68 & TOLD US THAT IT MEANT US--which at the time really sounded too big for our little family!
BUT NOW OUR FAMILY IS NO LONGER SO LITTLE! You are the fulfillment of it--the proof of it--the fruits of it! “By their fruits ye shall know them!” You are the proof that it is true & you are it & you are these of whom the Lord spoke, both in Psalm 68 & Ezekiel 34 & in the multitude of other revelations He has given us!
DAVID PRAYS & IT COMETH TO PASS, THE THINGS WHICH JESUS HATH SPOKEN, that his children might be ordained of God to carry the message to every land & every tongue & every nation! For this is the will of God & the Spirit hath spoken it! ... None have the power & the spirit of the children of David! Listen to the voice of David! All these things come to pass because I the Lord have spoken it & brought it to pass through My Servant David, for I the Lord have spoken it! None of these things could take place if I, by My Spirit, had not empowered My Servant David!
(MARIA: DOES JEANNE DIXON KNOW ABOUT DAVID?) Mo: Yes, she knows there is one, for he hath written unto her & he it was who delivered her & enlightened her that she could know the truth, & delivered her from the bondage of the Enemy, & he did pray for her. Therefore I, the Lord, did deliver her from the darkness that was upon her, & she hath seen the error of her ways & repented of those dark days, & hath seen the error & is one with thee! She loveth thee! Her spirit is one with thine if she will obey. For thy spirit doth go out unto her & thy spirit did love her & ask her to be delivered & therefore, I have delivered her & revealed the truth unto her & she hath confessed it openly, because of thy faithfulness & love & thy prayer which came up before me in that day when thou wast in her city, when thou wast faithful to speak to her. And I have poured out upon her the spirit that thou hast asked of Me--the Spirit of Truth, that she shall be a light unto the people & them that look for the truth.
(When Mo was in Washington DC in '67, he tried to contact Jeanne Dixon, & when he couldn't reach her personally, he talked to her secretary on the phone, & she suggested he write to her--which he did--a large Warning Tract with a note on it explaining that he thought the young man in her vision described in her first book as uniting all the world's religions & bringing world peace, was the Antichrist, & warning her about him. A year or two later we discovered that she had removed her first book from circulation & published a new one, in which she gave much more Scripture than in the first one, sounded much more spiritual, like a truly saved woman, & confessed that that serpent in her vision was the Devil, & the young man from Egypt the Antichrist! Praise God!)
THIS EVENING THE LORD HAS ANSWERED THAT PRAYER WITH THIS SIGN! (MO: Tongues & weeping:) “Why dost thou marvel for all these wonders & signs I have given thee, that thou shouldst wonder that I have spoken these things?”
GOD IS EVEN CHANGING GOVERNMENTS FOR OUR BENEFIT, as many regimes have been liberalized since our coming in fulfillment of such prophecies as “They Can't Stop Our Rain!” Also, in fulfillment of the admonition, predictions & promises given in “The Birthday Warning” of February 1973, our worldwide publications have circled the globe!
(A FEW DAYS AFTER THIS PRAYER, “THE SWORD OF THE LORD,” THE TURKS WON THE BATTLE FOR CYPRUS, rescued the poor Turks & our children there, ousted the pro-American military juntas in both Cyprus & Greece, toppled the Greek government & dominated Cyprus, freeing it from the Greek yoke! Makarios also made an impassioned plea before the UN & later exposed America's phoney “neutrality” which backed the Greeks! God still answers prayer! Amen.)
THE LATEST WARNINGS OF WORLD DISASTER ARE NOW BEGINNING TO COME IN CONFIRMATION FROM SOME OF THE WORLD'S LEADING HONEST ECONOMISTS, corroboration of God's truth is beginning to get through to the people in substantiation of the fair warnings we have long been giving them of impending catastrophe! Thank the Lord!
THEY WOULDN'T LISTEN TO US ABOUT NIXON & HIS PERFIDY, BUT NOW HE IS EXPOSED & DEPOSED, & there must be a lot of red faces of chagrin & shame amongst his supporters who wouldn't believe us that he was such a crook, a liar & a would-be tyrant! But now he's gone & his poor duped & deluded followers are left to try to pick up the pieces of the fat Humpty Dumpty that once was America!
HE CERTAINLY ANSWERED MY DESPERATE PRAYER FOR THAT SITUATION IN CYPRUS according to His Spirit speaking through me in “The Sword of the Lord”! It is absolutely amazing, because this is the first time that the Turks have gotten the upper hand, as previously they've always been the underdogs, & they were some of the our best friends there!
IT'S ALSO A MIRACULOUS ANSWER TO OUR PRAYERS THAT HE TOPPLED BOTH OF THE AMERICAN-BACKED GREEK MILITARY REGIMES, not only the one which drove Markarios out of Cyprus, but also the American-armed military junta dictatorship which has held a stranglehold on the poor people of Greece for nearly 15 years! Praise God! He still answers prayer!
WE NOW AVERAGE A MONTHLY LITERATURE OUTPUT OF 5 MILLION A MONTH from 30 “Sprint” centers in 28 languages, so that our full-time total is now fast approaching 200 million pieces of literature printed, resulting in a quarter of a million decisions for Christ! Hallelujah! “Millions for the billions” has come true!
IT WASN'T LONG BEFORE THE SALES OF LITERATURE ALONE WAS SUPPORTING OUR COLONIES, as God had promised if we got out His Words, & we were no longer utterly dependent on provisioning, forsake-alls, gifts, the mail & donations from friends & supporters.
AND THESE CHILDREN OF GOD SHALL BE UPON EVERY LAND that is in the realm of human existence, spread about on every continent of every nationality, no line & no barrier, because the children of God belong to the Kingdom of God of which this is thy Queen & thou art the King! (At this time we were only in 3 countries!)
DID YOU KNOW I HAVE CHANGED THE COURSE OF HISTORY? I prayed for Cyprus & God changed the course of history in Cyprus because I prayed! I prayed for Ethiopia & God changed the course of history because I prayed, did you know that?
IT WAS OCTOBER, 1971, AT LAURENTIDE IN CANADA, WHEN I FIRST REALLY BEGAN COMING OUT WITH THE GIFT OF PROPHECY & received very many beautiful & striking prophecies of what the Lord was saying about our work & what we were going to do.
IT WAS THEN THE LORD GAVE US THIS PROPHECY, WARNING US THAT THERE WAS GOING TO COME A DIVISION BETWEEN US. It also says that the house of Saul is the Old Church & Maria & I & our young people are the New Church.
SO AS MARIA & I BEGAN TO READ THIS “DIVISION” PROPHECY THAT MORNING, WE SAW HOW AMAZING THIS PROPHECY & PREDICTION FITS THE RECENT SITUATION OF THE CHAIN, & how completely & almost totally divorced it had become from us & our policies & the way of love & the Lord!
THE PICTURE BEGAN TO BECOME CLEARER AS I OBEYED THE LORD & BEGAN TO READ THIS SEVEN-YEAR-OLD PROPHECY & to see how that this terrific division between me & the leadership had already come to pass, that this was the “Coming Division” spoken of in this prophecy.
[EURO UNITS.--Dad's revelation on the new European money & its impact on the coming world order.]
ACCORDING TO THIS DREAM, South Africa may be one of the few survival areas of the Earth, strangely enough & contrary to all natural expectations, which is usually the formula of a miracle!
THE LORD WON'T BLESS IT & HE WON'T WIN (CARTER), WHATSOEVER, SO IT'S REALLY PITIFUL. He's a pitiful case, really. They say he is such a good man, but he's a weak man & indecisive & not strong, wavering, & he doesn't seem to have strong convictions, he's wishy-washy. He's vacillating & double-minded.
THE WORLD IS DIVIDING UP IN JUST THE WAY THAT WE PREDICTED IT WOULD TEN YEARS AGO: That Russia would gradually encircle & isolate the U.S. & the West, & that's exactly what is happening. Now with Russia beginning to get Latin America into its camp & siding with Latin America in this war, it's completing the circle by siding with South America & Latin America & the Argentines against the U.S. & Europe.
“GREAT WAS THE COMPANY OF THEM THAT PUBLISHED IT,” the Lord promised us long ago in that beautiful 68th Psalm!--That great will be the company of them that publish these things! (Psa.68:11) A lot of great companies are already publishing'm, GBM! Of course the Lord was really talking about the great number of people that were going to publish these Glad Tidings & they certainly have! You certainly have! GBY!
IN '79 IN FRANCE I WAS WRITING THE WHOLE CAMPING SERIES. So when do you suppose the Family really got rolling? I wound up the last chapter of the Camping Series, chapter 24, in February of 1980. So what year do you suppose the Family really got rolling & really started getting mobile? (Family: '80.) And when did this young sergeant rip off Liberia? (Family: 1980!) And at the New Year's Keynote Speech we made the other day, in which two years did I tell you we produced more lit than in all previous years put together?--'80 & '81!
I'VE ALWAYS WONDERED, “WHAT'S THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE 802?” & somebody pointed it out the other day! God has been begging us to go South for the past ten years, but He practically had to force us to go, & we're not making our major migration South until the year '82! How about that?--802! We're finally really going South in '82! The Lord knew we were going to go South in '82!
AT THE SAME TIME THE RIP-OFF GOT TO LIBERIA, WE STARTED GOING MOBILE & FLOODING THE WORLD WITH LIT!--More than we have ever distributed or published before! Isn't that amazing?
I NEVER COULD GET THE CONNECTION WHY THAT DREAM SUDDENLY CHANGED from the rip getting as far as Liberia to the Family going mobile & this big outpouring of lit! That was the year! When the rip reached Liberia, that was the year, 1980, that we went mobile & began to pour out mags & lit more than we have ever done before! Now that ought to encourage your faith!
NOW THAT OUGHT TO ENCOURAGE YOUR FAITH THAT THE LORD REALLY DOES FULFIL HIS PROPHECIES, HIS DREAMS, HIS VISIONS! PTL? Isn't that wonderful? That really inspired me! I was sitting on the toilet when I got it! Ha! I nearly flipped off the toilet! I was screaming at Maria in the other room about it! And then I had to go quick & look it up to be sure.
IT ENCOURAGES US TO SEE HOW THE LORD HAS ALREADY FULFILLED HIS PAST PROMISES & PROPHECIES; it gives you faith to go ahead & operate on what He's telling us to do now.
WE GET REVELATIONS WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THEY MEAN TILL YEARS LATER, TILL THEY'RE FULFILLED! The fulfillment actually occurred two years ago: It's a progressive fulfillment all the time.
SO ACTUALLY WE HAVEN'T REALLY SEEN THE COMPLETE FULFILMENT OF THAT PICTURE UNTIL NOW, SIX YEARS LATER! We didn't really understand the whole thing till six years later! So if you think some of those dreams are a little screwy & crazy & funny & obscure & you don't understand what they're about, just wait! Just wait! It's kind of like Portugal, if you don't like the weather, just wait a few minutes! Only with prophecy sometimes you have to wait quite a few years! PTL! TYL!
MADAME M. SAW US IN EGYPT! Well, I don't know, maybe the reason she saw all those temples & the Sphinx & pyramids & stuff is just because in our Letters we've dealt with those things or something.
HE PROMISED THEN WHEN WE WERE NOWHERE & NOBODY--just in one place, one little couple, a handful of little family, my own wife & four children & a few more--that someday we were going to be spread out throughout all the Earth in every nation & tribe in the world, & that the whole world would hear about us, & Jesus through us! That we would be everywhere, all over this world, as we are today on all six continents!
WE'VE BEEN IN OVER 100 COUNTRIES ALREADY--we preach in 40 different languages in our literature alone! We have over 2000 missionary stations--every one of our Homes is a mission station--& over 8000 missionaries throughout the world winning 40 million souls a year! Think of that! And distributing nearly four million copies of our literature every year!
DIDN'T THE LORD SAY THE REBELLION OF DAVID WOULD CIRCLE THE EARTH?--WELL, IT HAS TO GO TO RUSSIA! And dear old Ivan Ivanovitch even claimed there was a poster up in the railroad station! (No.279.) Well, how do you know?--Maybe he was predicting the future! Maybe somebody's going to sneak this in & plaster it on the wall of the railroad station! Wouldn't that be beautiful?
You may not believe some of my prophecies & the Lord's prophecies, but when they happen, you're going to have to believe in the fulfillment, because it's happening.
LOOK AT ALL THOSE DREAMS I HAD ABOUT DEBORAH-“Alice in the Magic Garden,” “Bewitched,” “Cesspool.” (Nos.290, 291, 664.) (Family: “If the Truth Kills.”) (No.678.) Well, that wasn't a dream, that was just a policy!--But I mean outright revelations where she was so easily deceived by these witches & wizards & whatnot, & apparently now she's totally under their control, just completely virtually almost demon-possessed!
A LOT OF THOSE THINGS I GOT, I DIDN'T KNOW THEY WERE HAPPENING, THEN WHEN I READ'M AFTERWARDS I THOUGHT, “OH MY GOODNESS, I DON'T DARE PUBLISH THIS, PEOPLE WILL REALLY THINK I'M CRAZY!”--Like Ivan saying they're going to put up posters in the railroad station!--In spite of all his antics & his dear friend Alex, another fairly common name in Russia. I never even knew that Ivan Ivanovitch was about as common a name in Russia as John Smith in the West! That must have been for the sake of security! But it's happened, thank the Lord! It doesn't look near as impossible now as it did then.
WHEN I FIRST GOT “THEY CAN'T STOP OUR RAIN” (NO.128), DID YOU KNOW I HELD THAT LETTER FOR MONTHS BECAUSE I WAS AFRAID TO PUBLISH IT? It just sounded absolutely too crazy & impossible, that it just couldn't happen, that it was expecting too much! PTL! Hallelujah! TYL! So we're making progress! All the things we were hesitant to even proclaim or even publish Letters about years ago now have already happened. Prophecy's already fulfilled. It's here! The future is here! It has happened & we're it, thank the Lord!
THIS “INDEX” DREAM WHICH WE RECEIVED WAY BACK IN MAY 1972 IS REALLY AMAZING! It's a very interesting dream & inspired us to immediately get the first Index Team to work on the first Index, which was published in 1973!--And as some of you old-timers may recall, our first Index was exactly 32 pages long, just like the Lord showed me in this little dream!--PTL!
THEY HAVE FULFILLED WHAT I WOULD COUNT AS A REAL PROPHECY, & THAT IS SOME TIME AGO I SAID THEY WERE GOING TO BECOME OUR GREATEST TESTIMONY! The greatest proof of the pudding is our children & that's exactly what they've become! I even said that they were going to become part of our ministry, & they have become much more than I ever dreamed! Almost the chief ministry of many of these families is their children! That's what attracts the crowds & the people, to see those little tots standing up there singing away & happy & playing instruments & preaching the Gospel! What better example could you have than that of a religion that works? If it works on your children, let me tell you, it works! PTL?
SO YOU'RE ALL CHILDCARE WORKERS. YOU ALL SHOULD BE INTERESTED IN WORKING FOR THE CHILDREN, HELPING TO TAKE CARE OF THE CHILDREN IN ONE WAY OR THE OTHER, BECAUSE I THINK THEY ARE OUR GREATEST TASK NOW.--Because we have them, they are ours, they are our personal responsibility, every single Family member's responsibility!--Not just the so-called childcare workers, but every secretary, every cook, every maintenance man--in other families every litnesser or busker or whoever, & they're finding out how valuable the children are! Let me tell you, they take care of the children because it's the children that take care of them! I told you that day would come. I said, “You take good care of those kids & someday they'll take care of you!”
THEY'RE GOING TO OUTLAW THE NEW TESTAMENT YET! The way the Jews are getting the laws made now in the United States & England, actually the New Testament is already an illegal book because it's very anti-Semitic, & it's illegal & unlawful to publish anything against the Jews. They've got the laws really lined up now, both in the U.S. & Europe, & when they've got the thing really sewed up legally, watch & see if they don't try to ban the New Testament!
I THINK HE'S (GODAHFI) A LOST CAUSE! In one of the first prophecies the Lord said about Godahfi that he would hear the truth from some of our children--he even got to hear it from me!--But it said he will turn from it to the king of Egypt! (See No.111:32)
I'LL NEVER FORGET THE FIRST TIME I EVER SAW JOHN KENNEDY'S FACE ON TELEVISION WHEN HE WAS CANDIDATING FOR THE PRESIDENCY. The Lord spoke to me as clearly as anything in Miami Beach many years ago: “This man will be the next President of the United States!”--And he didn't have too good a chance at that time, but he came up! He was younger than any man that had ever been a President, he was a Catholic & no Catholic had ever been President before, & he was an Irishman & I don't know whether an Irishman had ever been President before!--But I presume they had, they really get around!
When Brezhnev died the Lord told me it was the end of the Era of Peace. Has that proven true? U.S. relations with Russia took a nosedive & have been the worst, they say, since the days of the Cold War, & I'd say they're much worse!
THE LORD SAID ABOUT ANDROPOV THAT HE WAS THE “MINISTER OF DEATH” & I kind of thought that meant maybe he was going to be the one who was going to start the War. Of course, he was a minister of death long before he got to be the leader of Russia because he was head of the KGB, he was an executioner, certainly a minister of death, & who knows but what he has helped prepare Russia for what's coming. I don't doubt it. He was doing his best to do so.
HE IS ALIVE NOW! [The Antichrist] is now working behind the scenes & no doubt masterminding the anti-Christ forces now at work that are already controlling the world! He is secretly operating, & I wouldn't be a bit surprised that he's there in Jerusalem with his fellow Jews, the antichrists who are already running the Earth, the Council of Jews that I saw in Jerusalem in that dream about the “Green Paper Pig”. (No. 243.)
DO YOU REALIZE NOW HOW EXACTLY THAT DREAM HAS BEEN FULFILLED?--That it was those Jews in Jerusalem who started this ball rolling, this Pig going, which is blowing up & getting inflated more & more all the time, now about to explode!
It's working out almost exactly as I saw it years ago, that probably China would become the leader of the Third World while the other Super Powers fight it out.--And that's just what's happening!
REMEMBER THE GREEN PAPER PIG (ML 243)? IT'S ONLY GOING TO TAKE ONE LITTLE PIN TO MAKE IT EXPLODE! I mean that dream was amazing, when you think about it! The Lord showed me the whole thing in advance.--How it was all coming from Jerusalem, where you can bet your boots the antichrists have set up their headquarters & financial center & everything, because they are crazy about Jerusalem & they plan to never let it go! They'll have to someday, but the pig came from Jerusalem & was being directed by the Jews! It came down the valley trying to gobble us up! That's all symbolic of course, & it got bigger & bigger until it finally exploded!--Remember?
IN “THE ALMOND TREE” (NO.158), THE LORD SAID, “YOUR GRANDMOTHER'S PRAYERS FOR YOU HAVE RISEN TO ME,” so she probably really repented of what she didn't do & she prayed for me, as she didn't want me to fail too.
“HER” [DEBORAH'S] BOOK WAS ACTUALLY INSPIRED BY HER DEMONIC NEW MATE WHO STOLE HER FROM HER HUSBAND & SEVEN KIDS & SEEMS TO HAVE HER HYPNOTIZED!--Also led her to backslide away from us & is now completely “Bewitched!”--The title of a dream I had about her years ago, along with others predicting her fall!--So sad!--She was so weak about men! He's always been a bitter enemy & put her up to it! But “all things work together for good,” so we're not worried!--We've had worse!
THE LORD PREDICTED ALL THESE THINGS ABOUT DEBORAH & ABOUT HIM LONG BEFORE I EVER EVEN KNEW HE EXISTED! I didn't know who she was bewitched by! I didn't know who the Devil's agent was, the Evil Magician in “Alice & the Magic Garden” nor the witch in “Bewitched,” but only that they'd gotten themselves into one helluva cesspool of iniquity! I knew by the time I got that dream about the “Cesspool,” although I still didn't know the details. But how do you account for the fact that He showed me all this before I even knew that Bill even existed?--It was the Lord! TYJ! He never fails!
POOR DEB IS COMPLETELY BEWITCHED, AS WE KNOW, & THE LORD PREDICTED SHE WOULD BE & WAS, BY A MAN WE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHEN I GOT THE REVELATION! I had no idea who it even was! I thought at the time it might be somebody else, but now we know.
I'VE GOT SOMETHING TO BE THANKFUL FOR TONIGHT! I'm so glad I told you the other night what the Lord showed me! Did you notice on the news? The guy who was way down the list--Chernenko got it! Hallelujah! Amen? Isn't the Lord wonderful? He never fails! He was one of the least likely, about third on the list, but the moment I looked at his picture, just as clear as anything the Lord showed me, “That's the one! He's the one!” (Who would succeed Andropov.)
BUT I JUST HAD TO GO OUT ON A LIMB & JUST TELL YOU & HOPE THAT THAT WAS RIGHT & HOPE THAT I GOT MY SIGNALS RIGHT. So it sure encourages me to know that it was the Lord & that He was really speaking & He was showing me, & so Chernenko it is! Thank the Lord! So that's a testimony, the Lord showed us ahead of time & you got to see it in action! TTL!
WELL, I GOT A FUNNY PICTURE! I got the old picture of me puncturing the dollar balloon! (See Nos.243, 294)
I NEVER THOUGHT IT WOULD BE POSSIBLE FOR US TO HAVE ANY EFFECT ON THE DOLLAR, EXCEPT WE HAVE GOTTEN OUT MILLIONS OF COPIES OF OUR THEORIES ON IT. But who knows? Maybe our people going to the banks & dumping even small amounts of dollars is starting to pass the word around, “You'd better dump your dollars!” It doesn't take much for the word to fly on the grapevine that people are dumping dollars, & everybody goes mad scrambling to dump dollars!
MAYBE [DEBORAH'S] SAVED. MAYBE SHE JUST GOT POISONED BY THAT EVIL MAGICIAN. ACCORDING TO “ALICE & THE MAGIC GARDEN” IT SOUNDS LIKE SHE FINALLY REPENTED! (#290) Do you realize what a marvelous prophecy that vision was?--And it's not over yet! In the vision it sounds like she repented. Right? The Evil Magician gave her those seeds & she's sowing them right now trying to ruin our garden! And big monsters are trying to climb down those beanstalks to wreck our Kingdom of God! Is the Father going to let it happen?--No siree! He's going to chop'm off before they ever reach the ground, & by that time Deb is going to see what a horrible mistake she made! Wasn't she crying frantically in the vision & sorry she'd done it?
AND WHAT HAPPENED TO THE EVIL MAGICIAN?--HE SNEAKED OUT THE GATE! HE'S GOING TO SNEAK AWAY SOMEDAY & I THINK HE'S GOING TO HELL! I think he's demonic! He probably was possessed with Satan himself to get as close as he could get to us. Who else would God call “The Evil Magician” but Satan?
MY LORD, HOW COULD DEBORAH EVER LET HERSELF GET CONTROLLED BY HIM & DECEIVED BY HIM? IT SHOWS YOU HOW FULL OF THE DEVIL SHE GOT TO BE! In “Alice in the Magic Garden,” for awhile, thank God, the Family was delivered. If you remember the vision of the “Magic Garden,” the damage she was doing then was repaired & things got better. (See #290) But dear Deborah apparently finally wandered off after the Magician himself & went with him & is still with him to this day! Think of that!
[DAD'S DETAILED EXPLANATION OF GREEN PAPER PIG--beginning to be fulfilled. Interesting.]
REMEMBER THAT MARVELOUS DREAM I HAD ABOUT THE “GREEN PAPER PIG”? (No.243) That dream was amazing! It was these Jews with those big black hats & skullcaps & whatnot in Jerusalem that I saw letting this Green Paper Pig go that was like a balloon in the dream, & they were the ones that sicced it down the river! And who were they after? Why were they manipulating this Green Paper Pig, this paper balloon, so to speak? Do you remember whom were they siccing it on in the dream? (Fam: Us!) They were after us! Because let's face it, most of us in the Family at that time were Americans or were still largely dependent on the U.S. dollar, & the dollar was sicced on us by these Jews in Jerusalem, showing that they run the monetary system of the world. And in siccing the dollar on us, what could that mean?--They thought the dollar was going to devour us! How would it devour us? I never brought that out in the dream, did I? I never really thought much about that before.
UNDOUBTEDLY WITH THE MANIPULATION OF THOSE JEWISH BANKERS & THOSE JEWS WHO CONTROL WORLD JEWRY & the world situation, the world economy. They have seen to it that the dollar has been inflated in value, bigger & bigger & bigger, until recently when we started pointing our finger at the dollar it's been declining ever since. Oh, it goes up a step now & then, but down two. Up one, down two. Up one, down two.--Just the same way that gold goes up two, down one, up two, down one, etc. So that dream is amazing, & I'm beginning to see things in it that I never saw before!
I NEVER SAID CALIFORNIA WAS GOING TO SINK INTO THE OCEAN, BUT I SAID IT CERTAINLY IS POSSIBLE! And it looks like, from all the seismologists & earthquake experts & crust experts are saying nowadays, that it's not only possible but it's even probable within the next hundred years! Well, I never predicted it but I certainly agreed with the prediction, that it certainly sounded like it could be true, especially knowing the Lord & the wickedness of California & how they eventually treated us, etc. God's judgments are going to grind exceeding slow but exceeding fine, especially if California dissolves in the drink!
THEY SEEM TO HAVE MORE TROUBLE RAISING MONEY IN LATIN AMERICA THAN THEY DO IN THE EAST!--Which once again proves God's wisdom in stopping me when I wanted to go back to Latin America! He told us it was the land of the past, the land of the old, the land of the sunset, & that we should go to the Lands of the Rising Sun! (#1283) Isn't that wonderful? Now nearly half of our income comes from the Lands of the East where we were very weak & very thin before we began pushing Eastward. Think of that!
I WASN'T KIDDING WHEN I SAID MILLIONS FOR THE BILLIONS, & we're doing more all the time because they're going hotter all the time! Some people are getting their entire support through it now. They're tremendous harvesters! They say they've never found it so easy to win souls as with these tools!
SUDAN--GETTING RID OF NIMEIRI: I was thinking that while Nimeiri was gone would be a good time for them to get rid of him, & sure enough, they did! They really got the message! We've been praying to get rid of him, & thank the Lord, the Lord answered our prayers!
I PRAYED FERVENTLY TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW THAT SOMETHING WOULD HAPPEN TO THE U.S. TO TAKE THEIR MIND OFF LIBYA, big enough to distract them from their determination to provoke Libya to war. Well, I didn't exactly expect anything that big.
BUT NOW SUDDENLY & PROPHETICALLY ONE NIGHT IN MY SLEEP OR MY DREAMS OR IN VISION, THIS BEAUTIFUL LITTLE GIRL WALKED UP to the side of my bed & said, “I'm Techi! I'm five years old! I'm Davidito's little sister!”--And then she vanished! So in my amazement I told my wife, Maria, for she was not yet even pregnant! But it was still to be two more years before that child was born! What a miracle of the revelations of God!
REMEMBER I ASKED THE LORD TO DO SOMETHING BIG & REALLY HURT THEM? Well, that really set back the space program! That shuttle program was their real spoiled brat baby! I asked the Lord to do something, I thought He was going to do something to the Navy, have one of those damned aircraft carriers sink or something. But the Lord hit them where it hurt them the most, in the pride & their glory!
WE HAD A PROPHECY A LONG TIME AGO, “I WILL SMITE THE SHEPHERD & THE SHEEP WILL BE SCATTERED!” (See No.117A:37) Well, we could say that's already happened! I've been smitten several times, called up against the law, or the law's been called up against me & I had to run, & I fled, & the sheep were scattered! But thank God they were scattered further every time till they've gone now into all the world to preach the Gospel to almost every creature! PTL! I guess you could say almost completely by radio, television, etc.
“THEIR LINE HAS GONE OUT THROUGH ALL THE EARTH, & THEIR WORDS TO THE END OF THE WORLD!” (Psa.19:4) Our line has gone out through all the Earth, our Words have gone to the end of the world! We now already have printed 12 million copies of the Posters! Remember when I said “millions for the billions”? Some of you probably thought, “The way Dad exaggerates, he means evangelistically speaking!”
REMEMBER I TOLD YOU THAT WE WERE GOING TO GET OUT MILLIONS OF THOSE POSTERS?--MILLIONS FOR THE BILLIONS? Some people kind of thought, “Big expensive color Posters like that--millions of them? That's going to run up into millions of dollars!--Just in printing and getting out there in the Field and distributing and all the rest!” It costs money! All those Homes cost carfare, footwork, it costs room and board! They're laborers, reapers who are reaping down the fields! It costs literally millions of dollars a year to get that Word out to the billions!--But we're doing it! We've already pubbed over 16 million Posters & gotten out over a million tapes!
YOU'LL READ IN THE NEXT WND (SEE WND 166, PG. 7) ABOUT GOD'S JUDGMENTS--HIS WHEELS OF JUSTICE GRIND EXCEEDING SLOW BUT EXCEEDING FINE! The main culprits in this Iran arms deal, besides Reagan, were Poindexter, North & Casey, & look what happened to them! Casey had a stroke (now dead), MacFarlane tried to commit suicide & Poindexter & North were fired! They're under government investigation now for actual crimes, that what they did was against the law.
GUESS WHO ENGINEERED THE ATTACK ON GODAHFI & SENT THE PLANES & PLANNED THE WHOLE DEAL so that it killed his little girl, injured his wife & children & destroyed his home? Guess who planned the attack?--Poindexter & North! MacFarlane, Poindexter & North!--And Reagan, of course. An anonymous source in the “Washington Post” said that Reagan had hoped that it would kill Godahfi, that was their aim, although they denied it.
THE LORD'S BEEN GOOD TO ME!--AND HE'S CERTAINLY ANSWERED THE FAMILY'S PRAYERS FOR ME! I'm actually feeling better now & getting along better and having less problems & less afflictions than ever!
It's often significant what names people choose for themselves.
[Khomeini humiliated before the world, accepting the truce like drinking poison--answer to Dad's prayer.]
When I first told you that we were going to give the millions to the billions, you probably thought, “Oh, that's one of Dad's big exaggerations, he's trying to inspire us & encourage us. That's great 'evangelistically-speaking' talk to inspire the dumb sheep, & somebody might even believe it. You know Dad, you know how he exaggerates & speaks in big terms & figures!” Well, all you have to do is read last year's end-of-the-year report to see the proof of what we have accomplished, the millions & millions of pieces of literature we passed out, “the loaves & the fishes,” to billions of people!
It reminds me of that dream I had about Deborah. (See “The Cesspool!”, No.664) She & Jeth & all those people were swimming around in a cesspool & all the shit! I was so shocked by the dream I could hardly believe it! I was hesitant to even pub it in a Letter or tell you about it, but I knew it was of the Lord, & I knew it must be a warning that they must really be in bad shape!--And sure enough they were, even worse than I thought!
The Lord always says that He's given these Words to your father, “Hear ye him!” (Tongues) Hallelujah! TYL! Amen, amen! “For indeed they shall come to pass!”
You know what the future holds because You hold the future! When I was trying to figure it out, it was almost like You said, “Well, just ask Me & I can tell you!”
[A DREAM ABOUT HEARTS AFLAME!-A dream & prayer about our teens with Holy Ghost power continuing the Revolution.]

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