[From: "Dad's Favourite Songs of Comfort & Service!" DO 2482; 5/81]

29. I've sung you quite a few of the songs on Salvation etc., we've sung you songs of Comfort, but it's about time you started comforting other people! I'd like to sing you a few songs on your duties to the Lord, your service for the Lord, your work for the Lord, to kind of remind you that you have certain responsibilities. Once the Lord has been so good to you & saved you & helped you & comforted you & takes care of you like we've been singing, remember, you're supposed to go out & do the same for others!

30. That's the whole principle of the Law of Love, that's why we don't need any other commandments now! Jesus said, "Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart & thy neighbour as thyself, in this is all the law & all the commandments!"--In this one Law of Love, to love God & your neighbours as yourself. So, if you love the Lord, you'll love others, & you'll try to love them like the Lord loved you, & You'll try to help them like Jesus has helped you, & you'll try to save them like Jesus has saved you. Amen?

31. Oh, this is a beautiful little song, a real treat that I'd like to give you, if Mama would sing it with me! She could just sing it from her chair there, we could sing you a little duet! Did we ever sing "In the Garden" for them? Oh, we have sung it, oh all right. How about "I'd Rather Have Jesus"? Did I sing that, is that on one of the tapes? No? I doubt very much if this is on one of the tapes! How would you like to hear a different "I'd Rather Have Jesus"?--A good ol' Country-Western "I'd Rather Have Jesus"! I'll never forget the pair I heard sing this, they were really Country & really Western, 'way back in Oklahoma or Texas someplace! (Sings:)

I'd Rather Have Jesus!

         Men strive for the wealth of this wide wicked World,
         They seek after honour & fame.
         So lavishly sporting their diamonds & pearls,
         They put our dear Saviour to shame!

         But I'd rather live in Heaven
         Than to have all their silver & gold.
         I'd rather have Jesus,
         Than a palace full of diamonds to hold!
         I'd rather be a beggar,
         Live in a little trailer on the road,
         Than to have all Earth's treasures
         With no title to a Heavenly abode!

         (--Does that ring a chord, strike a bell, a responsive note?--If you folks are out on the road living for Jesus in tents, caravans, maybe just a sleeping bag!) (Sings:)

         They seem not to know that their treasures will rust,
         And thieves often break through & steal.
         Contented with pleasure & follow their lust,
         With sorrow their destinies seal!

         I'd rather live in Heaven,
         Than to have all Earth's silver & gold!
         I'd rather have Jesus
         Than the diamonds of a palace to hold. (I thought it was a palace full of diamonds!)
         I'd rather be a beggar,
         Live in a little tent by the road,
         Than to have all Earth's treasures,
         But no title to a Heavenly abode!

         What profit is found in Earth's silver & gold?
         How sad at the close of life's day,
         If for the exchange you must lose your own soul,
         From Heaven's door be turned away!

         Oh, I'd rather live in Heaven
         Than to have all Earth's silver & gold,
         Oh, I'd rather have Jesus
         Than the title to a palace to hold!
         I'd rather be a beggar,
         Live in a little trailer on the road,
         Than to have all Earth's treasures,
         But no title to a Heavenly abode!

32. Well, something for everybody!--A little Country-&-Western for you! How about "Have I Done My Best for Jesus?", have we sung that for them? It would be on the top of the list. The others are old hymns that they can find in almost any hymnbook, but these are my specials, my special solos, special numbers we used to call'm, that only the soloists sang & seldom were sung by the audience, therefore you seldom found them in a hymnbook, & therefore they tickled the people's ears by something new! "The people seek a new thing", they like to hear new songs, so I always tried to sing some new songs. Well, these songs are not so new any more, they're pretty much old-timers by now. But if that's not on that list, well, praise the Lord, I'll sing you some which maybe you haven't heard before & are not on our previous tapes, the tapes which we made for you before. This is:

Have You Done Your Best for Jesus?

         I wonder have you given your best for Jesus,
         Who died upon that cruel tree!
         To think of His great sacrifice on Cal'vry,
         I know the Lord expects the best from thee.

         How many are the lost that you have lifted?
         How many are the chained you helped to free?
         I wonder have you done your best for Jesus?
         When He has done so much for thee!

         The hours that we have wasted are so many,
         The hours we've spent for Christ so few.
         Because of all our lack of love for Jesus,
         I wonder if His heart is breaking too?

         How many are the lost that we have lifted?
         How many are the chained we've helped to free?
         I wonder have we done our best for Jesus,
         When He has done so much for me?

33. PTL! That's one to think over. Amen? Praise God! TYL! Have you done your best for Jesus? You say, "Well, I go to church every Sunday & I put my coin in the offering, I think I've done my little duty for God & He ought to appreciate me & reward me with a Heavenly Mansion since I've professed to be a Christian." Well, Beloved, I think you're going to have to try to do a little more than that if you're expecting to get much of a reward.

34. You may wind up in that little shack in shantytown that I told the story about last night!--About the old rich lady who hadn't sent Up very much material for her Mansion because she hadn't given much to the Lord or done much for others or served Jesus, & therefore she didn't get much of a reward. She was saved, she was in the Heavenly City, she was in Heaven, but oh, what a little tiny grass shack she got for her reward since she hadn't sent Up very much material to build it! She hadn't given very much to the Lord for His Work or His missionaries. So you'd better do your best for Jesus! PTL? So when you meet Him face-to-face He can say, "Well done, thou good & faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord!" Praise God! (Sings:)

What Shall I Give Thee, Master?

         What shall I give Thee, Master,
         Thou Who didst die for me?
         Shall I give less of what I possess
         When Thou gavest all to me?

         What shall I give Thee, Master?
         Thou hast given all for me!
         Thou didst leave Thy Home Above
         To die on Calvary!

         What shall I give Thee, Master?
         Thou hast given all for me!
         Not just a part, or half of my heart,
         I will give
all to Thee!

(--It's been a long time since I've sung some of these old songs!)

         What shall I give Thee, Master?
         Thou hast redeemed my soul.
         My gift is small but it is my all
         Surrendered to Thy control!

         Jesus my Lord & Saviour,
         Thou hadst given all for me!
         Thou didst leave Thy Home Above
         To die on Calvary!

         What can I give Thee, Master?
         Thou hast given all for me!
         Not just a part, or half of my heart,
         I must give
all to Thee!

35. That's a beautiful old song! I don't know whether I got that just right or not, but maybe our musicians can straighten it out. PTL! (Sings:)

Will I Empty-Handed Be?

         Or will I empty-handed be, when I stand beside the sea?
         I shall stand before the Everlasting Throne.
         Must I have a heart of shame, when I answer to my name,
         With no works that my Redeemer there can own.

         When the harvest days are past,
         Shall I hear Him say at last,
         "Welcome, toiler, I've prepared for thee a place."
         Shall I bring Home golden sheaves,
         Ripened fruit, not just faded leaves?
         When I see my blessed Saviour face-to-face!

         When those Books are opened wide
         And the deeds of all are tried
         May I have a record whiter than the snow?
         When my race on Earth is run,
         Will I hear Him say, "Well done!
         Take the crown that Love Immortal doth bestow."

         Or will I empty-handed be, when I stand beside that sea?
         I shall stand before His Everlasting Throne.
         Must I have a heart of shame, when I answer to my name,
         With no works that my Redeemer there can own.

36. --Will you be empty-handed? I hope not. I hope you come home bringing in the sheaves!

Bringing in the Sheaves!

         Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves,
         We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves!
         Bringing in the sheaves (Arms loaded!)
         Bringing in the sheaves (With souls!)
         We shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves!

         --Hallelujah! TYL! "He that goeth forth with weeping, shall surely come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him!"--Psa.126:6. Praise God! (Sings:)

It Pays to Serve Jesus!

         It pays to serve Jesus, it pays every day,
         It pays every step of this life's weary way.
         Though the pathway to Glory may sometimes be drear,
         You'll be happy each step of the way!

         The service of Jesus true pleasure affords,
         In Him there is joy without an alloy!
         'Tis Heaven to trust Him & rest in His Words,
         It pays to serve Jesus each day!

         It pays to serve Jesus, it pays every day,
         It pays every step, every step of life's way
         Though the pathway to Glory may sometimes seem drear,
         You'll be happy every step of the way!

         It pays to serve Jesus whate'er may betide,
         It pays to be true, whatever you do!
         'Tis riches of mercy in Him to abide,
         It pays to serve Jesus each day!

         It pays to serve Jesus, it pays every day,
         It pays every step, every step of the way!
         Oh, the pathway to glory may sometimes be drear,
         But you'll be happy each step of the way!

37. Well, I sang it in the basement the first time, & I sang it up in Heaven the second time! Our poor musicians, our poor pure musicians who try to give some musical accompaniment to this, they're gonna have a problem if I don't try to hit the right key for this. I don't have any pitch pipe or any piano, I just have to trust in the pitch the Lord has given & usually I can hit it pretty good. My problem with this song is it used to be a quartet that we used to sing together, & I was used to singing sometimes the tenor or sometimes the alto, the harmony, instead of the melody. So now I'm finding it a little bit difficult to pitch it in the right key. Now you be patient with me, I'll see if I can get it this time. But if I don't, I'm gonna sing it anyway, OK? You like it? I love it, it's one of my favourite old songs! (Sings:)

         Though sometimes the shadows may hang o'er the way
         And sorrows may come & beckon us home.
         Our precious Redeemer our toil will repay,
         It pays to serve Jesus each day!

         It pays to serve Jesus, it pays every day!
         It pays every step, every step of the day.
         Though the pathway to Glory may sometimes seem drear
         You'll be happy each step of the way! (Got it!)

         It pays to serve Jesus, it pays every day!
         (Sing it with me!)
         It pays every step, every step of life's way.
         Though the pathway to Glory may sometimes seem drear,
         You'll be happy if you keep in God's Way!

38. PTL! Hallelujah! Ah, that's one of my old favourites, I'm glad I finally got it right! I had to do a little praying & ask the Lord for the perfect pitch. TYJ! If you can't make it, don't quit, keep trying! PTL? The mail must go through, the act must go on, the show must go on, they say! Well, just like it is in this life with the Lord in His service, no matter how many mistakes you make, you can't quit! You've gotta keep goin'! If you little kids are up there singing for the Lord, or you're out on the street corner or on the platform singing for Jesus, don't let it worry you just 'cause you make a little mistake or so, look how many mistakes I make in one night! I got off key several times, missed a few notes, forgot the words, made'm up! Well, just keep on pluggin' ahead!

39. --Like the time I told you about my Father who was on his way to sing his first solo as the special soloist for my Grandfather! He'd just married his daughter, my Mother. So when his wife's father, the great evangelist, heard that her new husband was a singer, he immediately invited him to come sing for his next evangelistic meeting. So he typed out the words of the song very carefully on a little card, he always used a little filing card. He'd type the words on the filing card so he could hold it sort of half-hidden in his hand so it wouldn't be a distraction to the audience, like all these big pieces of music are to you! I'm sorry, but I don't have'm all typed on a card. Maybe it's a good thing I didn't type'm the way my Dad did that time on the train!

40. He was typing on the train & the track was a little rough. He meant to shift to the next line, & somehow or another the carriage bounced right back to the same line he'd been typing on. He touch-typed so he wasn't watching what he was typing, but he was watching the copy to get the words of the song, & he didn't re-check the song after he'd finished typing.

41. So when he got up to sing his first solo for his new father-in-law in his first evangelistic meeting, the first night he got up & he began fine, he was just going strong. And all of a sudden he came to two lines which were totally illegible, he'd typed one line on top of the other. So did he stop, did he apologise, did he quit, did he just mumble? Well, he sort of mumble-jumbled, but he just kept on singing, he sort of made up the words as he went along!

42. My Mother asked him afterwards, she said, "Daddy, I never knew you spoke in tongues!--Or what language was that you were singing in? I couldn't understand some of those words!"--Ha! So if you're in show business like most of our Family, just keep going--& this is show business, Gospel show business for the Lord! We're out to show the folks the Love of God! We're out to show them the Gospel, right? That's our job, show business for the Lord, it's to show people the Love of God! Right? Isn't that what we're supposed to be doing? Well, sure, so it's show business!

43. So just because you make a few mistakes once in awhile, don't let it bother you, keep on forging ahead, just plunge ahead & maybe sing a little bit in tongues if you forgot the words or make up the words as you go along & just keep singing anyway! Most of your audience probably won't know the difference anyhow, they won't know whether you're on-key or off-key or if those are the right words or what language you're singing in!--If you'll just be confident & keep smiling & just keep going on just like I have here tonight & other nights, even when I forgot the words or got off the key. You didn't even know the difference, did you? That's show biz! You've gotta keep goin'! The show must go on! Praise God!

44. You've gotta keep on goin' for the Lord in this life too! It doesn't matter how many mistakes you make, how many stumbles & falls & how many times you get off the track, you've just gotta keep trying, you've gotta keep on goin'! Even if you keep on cryin', you've gotta keep on tryin', & try to get back on the track & try to keep on going for God! Keep going for God! Praise God? KGFG, keep going for God! PTL! Hallelujah! Isn't that beautiful? "It Pays To Serve Jesus!" Did you like that one? This is "I Am Happy in Him", did I sing that one yet? Well, that's why: (Sings:)

I Am Happy in Him!

         I am happy in Him! I am happy in Him!
         My soul with delight serves Jesus day & night,
         That's why I'm happy in Him!

         My soul is so happy in Jesus,
         For He is so precious to me.
         His Voice, it is music to hear it,
         His Face, it is Heaven to see!

         I am happy in Him, I am happy in Him!
         My soul with delight serves Jesus day & night,
         That's why I'm happy in Him!

--You won't find it written exactly that way, because that's the way
I like to sing it about serving Jesus! PTL? Amen? (Sings:)

         He sought me so long ere I knew Him,
         When wandering afar from the fold.
         Safe home in His arms He hath brought me,
         To where there are pleasures untold! (See what I mean?)

         I am happy, yes, happy in Him!
         I am happy, I'm happy in Him!
         My soul with delight, He fills day & night,
         For I am happy in Him!

45. Do you like that old song?--One of my old favourites! Praise God! Ah, here's one the children will love! I know they like this old song because we used to have a real good illustrated skit to this old song. I used to love it when I was a little boy about David's age. Music was my life, music in a way was my first love in the Lord's Work, because I was a singer. Of course, the Lord is my first Love, but I mean in the forms of His service, music was my first love. And then, of all things, I got to preachin' like I do some nights here on the show & almost forget to finish my singin'!

46. And then I got to where I couldn't even preach any more because I didn't even have any congregations, & I was far far away in a foreign distant land & nobody to preach to but my wife, my dear little Maria! GBH! So I stormed away at her, I paced up & down the floor, gesticulating & yelling & preaching away, while she rattled it out on the typewriter & we sent it to you in a Letter, & that's how those Letters began! Well, after all these years of writing Letters, I surely thought I would never sing again. Oh, I sang you a few little songs a few years ago. Most of you have them, you play'm.--I hope you like'm, I hope you play'm! Even if you don't like my singin', the songs are good & you ought to let your children hear them & learn these dear old precious old songs of the Saints!

47. You're going to meet some of those Saints one of these days Up There who love the Lord, & a lot of them love the Lord just as much if not more than you do, & serve the Lord just as much if not more than you do! --And they sang these songs certainly more than you do! So they'd be a little disappointed when you're sittin' in the park Up There with them & they lead out in one of these dear old songs & all you ex-hippies & ex-drugsters & everything else are sitting there & you don't know a word, & you make'm sing a solo all by themselves!

48. We're really going to have fun up in Heaven! I mean to tell you like I told you before, we're going to be sittin' on park benches playing guitars & singing our old songs, or we'll be sittin' out in the park or on the banks of the River & we're going to have lots of music Up There! The same songs you're singing here, you'll be able to sing a lot of them right Up There too! PTL!

49. This is a cute little song! It really is about living your life for the Lord & serving Jesus! When I was a little boy my Mother used to take my electric train & she set it up on the platform on a big board. She had this train up there & she called it "Life's Railway to Heaven", that's the name of this song too, & she had me sing this song about a railroad when I was about 7 or 8 years of age. And then she would preach about this railroad. She would talk about all the hazards & all the trials & triumphs of the Railroad to Heaven, our road to Heaven in this Life's Railroad to Heaven. --And how the Lord helps us with these things & gives us the victory & removes the obstacles that try to prevent us from getting there, & the Devil's tricks & tracks etc.

50. And then she would use the railroad to say, "But there's another railroad! Some people are railroading their way straight to Hell! But do you know what God does in that case? You're railroading your way straight to Hell & He puts obstacles on your path to try to stop you: Death in the family, an accident, a loss of a lot of money, sickness."--And she'd put these different boxes & things labeled with the name of these things on the track, all these things God puts on your track to try to stop you from going to Hell.

51. And she'd take my little train & she'd say, "But you just go ahead & push'm off anyhow!"--And she'd just push the little box off the track, & push the next obstacle off the track, & push the next obstacle off the track, like that! She'd say, "You know what you're doing? You are fighting your way to Hell in spite of everything God can do to stop you!" Is that what you're doing? I hope not! Thank God we Christians are chuggin' our way to Heaven in spite of everything the Devil can do to stop us! PTL! (Sings:)

Life's Railway to Heaven!

         Our life is like a mountain railroad,
         With an engineer that's brave!
         We must make the run successful,
         From the cradle to the grave.
         Watch the curves, the fills, the tunnels,
         Never falter, never fail,
         Keep your hand upon the throttle
         And your eye upon the rail!
         Blessed Jesus, Thou wilt guide us
         Till we reach that blissful Shore,
         Where the Angels wait to join us
         In Thy praise forever more!

         Do you like that one? You kids want another verse?

         You will roll up grades of trial,
         You will cross a bridge of strife.
         See that Christ is your Conductor
         On this speeding Train of Life!
         Always mindful of obstructions,
         Do your duty, never fail.
         Keep your hand upon the throttle
         And your eye upon God's Rail!

         (--That's the
Word, of course. The throttle, that's the one that gives it the steam, you know? And you've gotta keep your hand on the throttle to make sure you're going right!)

         You will often find obstruction,
         Look for storms of wind & rain
         On a fill or curve or trestle,
         They will almost ditch your train.
         Put your trust alone in Jesus,
         Never falter, never fail.
         Keep your hand upon the throttle
         And your eye upon the rail.
         Precious Saviour, Thou wilt guide us
         Till we reach that blissful Shore
         Where the Angels There will join us,
         In Thy praise forever more!

52. Hallelujah! TYJ! Well, that's the old "Life's Railroad" & you've kind of gotta really pray the Lord'll help you live the right kind of life to stay on the right track, so you'll make sure you'll get to the right station! Amen? PTL! And we need to pray to do that, don't we? (Sings:)

"Dear Lord, Forgive!"

         If I have wounded any soul today,
         If I have caused some foot to go astray.
         If I have walked in my own wilful way,
         Dear Lord, forgive.

         If I have uttered idle words & vain,
         If I have turned aside from want or pain.
         Lest I offend some other through the strain,
         Dear Lord, forgive. (--Isn't that a beautiful song?)

         Forgive the sins I have confessed to Thee.
         Forgive the secret sins I may not see.
         Oh, guide me, love me, & my Keeper be,
         Dear Jesus, Amen!

53. PTL! Isn't that a sweet song? Isn't that a good prayer? Maybe you need to learn it & pray it! Praise God! Amen? (Sings:)

"Make Me a Blessing!"

         Make me a blessing, make me a blessing,
         Out of my life let Jesus shine!
         Make me a blessing, O Saviour, I pray Thee my Saviour!
         Make me a blessing to someone today!

         Out on the highways & byways of life,
         Many are weary & sad.
         Carry the sunshine where darkness is rife
         Making the sorrowing glad.

         Make me a blessing, O make me a blessing!
         Out of my life let Jesus shine!
         Make me a blessing, O Saviour, I pray Thee my Saviour!
         Make me a blessing to someone today!

54. PTL! Hallelujah! TYJ! That was "Make Me a Blessing". Well, praise the Lord! I think I sang this one, "What Shall I Give Thee, Master?" I sang it tonight, didn't I? "What shall I give Thee, Master? Thou hast done all for me!" Well, if you folks out there don't remember these songs any better than my camera crew, God help you!--Ha! God bless'm! Well, I have sung a lot of songs tonight. I don't expect you to remember them all, much less learn them all. But if one of them just happens to strike a responsive chord in your heart, & one just seems to touch your soul & give you peace of mind or comfort your heart in some way, it just seems to kind of get through to you & get under your skin, well, that's the one for you to play over & over & learn it so you can sing it too, & your children too! Amen?

55. You don't have to like'm all! It's kind of like the guy said about the beauty contest. They're always picking winners, you know. Well, that's my problem, I love'm all! That's my problem in a beauty contest too. I don't see how they can turn down any of those pretty girls, there's hardly ever an ugly one or a homely one or she wouldn't be in the contest. There are some that I think I might like a little less, maybe, than some of the rest, & some that I might like a little more & think they're the best. But I think it's almost inhumane & cruel to have all those poor girls up there on a platform & only pick out one winner & two runners-up. That's sad!

56. I think they ought to tell'm, "Well, you're all winners or you wouldn't be here!" They are! They've all won contests other places & that's why they're in the Miss World Contest or the Miss Universe or the Miss whatever-it-is. Sometimes they miss it for sure! But like the fella said, "You know why they call you Miss?" She said, "Because I've been missed!" That was the little old maid I'm talking about now! Ahem! Well, anyhow, those girls sure haven't been missed! I like to watch those beauty contests. God bless our TV man who records & sends us those shows. I think they're beautiful, the most beautiful things God ever made! God's crowning creation was a woman, God's Gift of Love to us men. Well, maybe some of you men think you're God's gift to women, but I think you women are God's Gift to us! GBY!

57. But it's hard for me to pick out a winner, I love'm all! I love all these songs! But maybe one or two of them will just kind of stick in your heart, stick in your mind & your ear & you'll just go around hummin' it all day, it kind of sticks with you! And if you're trying to think of those words, "Now how did that song go?" Well, you can go back to this tape now & hear it over again & learn the words! And maybe some day we'll get out a songbook with the words of all these songs in it that we have on our tapes, praise God! Oh, here's one I love! (Sings:)

"Follow Me!"

         I hear my risen Saviour say,
         Follow Me, follow Me, follow Me!
         His Voice is calling all the day,
         Follow Me, follow Me, follow Me!

         For thee I trod the bitter way,
         For thee I gave My life away,
         And drank the gall thy debt to pay,
         Follow Me, follow Me, follow Me!

(--He did all that for you, how can you do less than follow Him?)

         Tho' thou hast sinned, I'll pardon thee.
         Follow Me, follow Me, follow Me!
         From ev'ry sin I'll pardon thee,
         Follow Me, follow Me, follow Me!

         In all thy changing life I'll be
         Thy God, thy Guide on land or sea.
         Thy blood thro' all Eternity
         Follow Me, follow Me, follow Me!

58. Isn't that a beautiful old song? I'll never forget the first time I ever heard that old song, I thought two of the prettiest girls in this whole World, just like two Angels, had come down from God out of Heaven to sing in our church. It wasn't our church, it was the pastor's church, & one of them was his daughter. And I'll tell you, when she got through singing that song, I followed! I was already following Jesus, she's the one I followed out of the church to make her acquaintance, to make sure I met her. And I'll never forget, I almost married that girl, God bless her, a little girl way out in California, whose name was Vera Bean, of all the funny names! And I'll never forget, we lived in the same house with her father, he'd been quite a wild guy in his day & he was quite a wild preacher, he was a character, & his daughter was a bit, ahem, like him too! We had quite a few good times together till we got caught by some of the church members in the park one day, & that put an end to that!

59. And when I left there I wanted her to follow me, & I said, "Follow me, follow me, follow me!" But her Daddy said, "No!" Like the little Japanese song: (Sings:)

         "My Mama & my Papa say no can do, no can do, no can do!
         My Mama & my Papa say, no can do, no can do, pitch the woo!
         Mama & Papa say, no can do, no can do, pitch the woo!
         Mama & Papa say, no can do!"

60. Well, that's what her Daddy said to me, "No can do! You guys aren't married yet & you're only 17", & that was considered very young to get married in those days, isn't that terrible? I was dyin' for a woman, for sex, to get married!--Full of love & romance & passion, sang love songs to all the girls one after the other! I was like a sailor with one in every port. As an evangelistic singer we travelled around, we'd spend two, three, four weeks in each new church, new town, & of course I'd promptly fall in love with some girl there in the church & she'd fall in love with me, & we'd go out together & have a good time. Of course, we never went quite as far as some young people do today. I mean, if we just even held hands walking through the park, that was quite something! And if in saying goodnight I'd give her a little kiss on the cheek, ah, my heart would go pitty-pat!

61. So when I left I wanted her to follow me, but her Daddy said, "No, no, she's too young!" Well, her Daddy would have done better to let her marry me then, because she was a marvellous singer, wonderful pianist, terrific & beautiful, & whew, a hot lover! I think that's the most lovin' I got in I don't know when. We never went all the way, but we sure did some mighty strong kissin' & huggin'! They used to call it "neckin'" or "sparkin'" or "spoonin'"! They had all kinds of words for it when I was young.

62. And like I told you, my brother came home from college & he said, 'Dave, you know I can prove that Solomon believed in necking, necking is in the Bible!" I said, "Come on!" He said, "Yes, it says that Solomon invited the Queen of Sheba to come to his palace & he gave her wine & nectar (necked her)!" Some of you folks will get the point of that joke. You'll have to explain it to your little kids, that nectar was a rich sweet wine, kind of a fruit juice. He gave her wine & nectar! Jokes that you have to explain are not so hot, are they?--Ha! But since we don't all speak English, it's a little difficult.

63. Well anyhow, that was "Follow Me", & I followed, right out of the church into the park, & we had a very wonderful time! PTL! But that poor little girl, she ran off & married a sailor. Nothing wrong with sailors, mind you now! Don't misunderstand me, sailors! I mean, there's nothing wrong with sailors, you sailors ought to know! You're all nice boys, good boys, you only have one girl at home in the home port, or one wife & one family, right?--Or am I wrong? Sailors are pretty notorious about having one in every port, even several wives & families in several different ports, believe it or not! Well, she found her sailor, anyhow, & I don't know whether he was Barnacle Bill or who, but anyhow, she asked him to come up & see her sometime, & he did, & it lasted for a long time. And I wept & it was said that she even wept at her wedding, because by that time I was married!

64. Well, praise the Lord! Are we about done here or where are we? On which hour? Oh my! I think I'd better quit tonight, I overdid last night. Well, I just want to sing you a beautiful song or two here that I was going to sing you. (Sings:)

Is Your All on the Altar of Sacrifice Laid?

         Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid?
         Your heart does the Spirit control?
         You can only be blessed & have peace & sweet rest,
         As you yield Him your body & soul!

         You have longed for sweet peace & for faith to increase
         And have earnestly, fervently prayed.
         But you cannot have rest, or be perfectly blessed,
         Until your all on His altar is laid!

(--That means complete yieldedness to the Lord & His Service, His Will for your life.)

your all on the altar of sacrifice laid?
         In your heart does the Spirit control?
         You have longed for sweet rest
         And for your heart to be blessed,
         (But you'll never have it)
         Till your all on the altar is laid!

65. And my last one for tonight I'd like to sing you, I hope we have time, is one of my favourite songs, one of the dearest old songs that I often sang, reminding me of my duty to the Lord & to others, & I leave it with you tonight as our last song of this particular series of Songs of Service & Comfort. (Sings:)

To Love Someone More Dearly Every Day!

         To love someone more dearly every day,
         To help a wandering soul to find his way,
         To ponder o'er His Holy Word & pray,
         And pray when evening comes,
         And smile when evening comes: This is my task.

         To follow Truth as blind men long for light,
         To do my best from dawn of day till night,
         To keep my heart fit for His Holy sight
         And answer when He calls
         And answer when He calls: This is my task.

         And then my Saviour by & by I'll see,
         When faith hath made our task on Earth complete,
         And lay my homage at my Master's feet,
         Within those jasper walls,
         Within those jasper walls: This crowns my task!

66. Hallelujah! TYJ! PYL!--In Jesus' name, amen. TYL! God bless you and make you a blessing! May that be your task.--In Jesus' name. Amen! X! Good night! I'll see you Over There, PTL!--Or maybe on the next video. Come back again, God willing! I love you! Good night! Thanks for listening!
--GBAKY!--Whatever you do, KGFG!--JESUS NEVER FAILS!