         (Kristina speaking on behalf of the Austin girls:) The greatest happiness is being where the Lord wants you to be, when He wants you to be there, and doing what He wants you to do! If you're doing that, no matter where you are--in the U.S., or Finland, or the HCS, or in Russia, or with your best friends, or with your boyfriend, or if you're Here with us, whether you're in the spirit or whether you're in the flesh--if you're in the Lord's will, that's where Heaven is at!
         Heaven is not just a place to be after you die. Heaven
is a place--and yet Heaven is much bigger than that and much more than that. Heaven is being what God wants you to be! Because when you're doing what God wants you to do, and you're where He wants you to be, then He gives you peace, happiness and love--and that's Heaven too!
         Some people have come Here before their time, and although they were in Heaven, it didn't feel like Heaven to them. So if you don't feel like you're in Heaven, maybe you should ask the Lord where Heaven is for you! Are you in the Heaven of His will, the perfect place He wants you to be, doing what He wants you to do? Then you'll truly be in Heaven! By putting the Lord first and obeying Him and doing His will, He surrounds you with His Spirit and His love, and that's what Heaven is!
         Heaven is not
only a place somewhere off in space, but Heaven is also something that surrounds you and lives with you and in you when you're doing Heaven's will. You have part of Heaven with you where you are, when you're doing the Lord's work.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family