         I have placed within each person a spring of bubbling living waters! The stream is more active in some than in others. In some it gushes forth loudly with the sound of rushing water. In others it is a small stream that trickles along, running quietly. And in others it is water that is only seeping through the ground. Nevertheless, it is still a spring.
         But you can open up your springs so that the water comes forth freely. For some it will take time, because it is like a treasure hidden in the earth. The earth must soften and fall away so that the waters may pour forth and bubble freely. But the more you desire to hear My Words, the more the earth that covers the spring will fall away, that the water may shoot forth freely!
         Not all springs are created the same, but a stream of My channel is in each person. Some are large, and I have created them so--like rivers and waterfalls! But they are no better than the small, tiny creeks. I have created all My vessels in love and I love them all the same, and no one vessel is more important to Me than another. I love the tiny spring the same as the big waterfall. The size of your spring does not affect My love for you.
         To some it comes easier than to others. Those of you who have a difficult time must persevere, as did Jacob, who wrestled and was blessed. Take hold of Me and do not let go, and I will reward you with My seeds. As Jacob wrestled and would not let go until he was blessed, even so if you struggle and if you wrestle, I will not send you away empty. If you do not let go, I will give you My streams of living seeds!
         For from Me flow rivers of living seeds, and those that suck shall receive. I wish to give these seeds to every one of My children. He that comes unto Me and is open shall not go away empty, for I am potent! I give to everyone that asks and I turn not away. You must just have faith to believe, faith to receive, faith to speak My seeds! (ML #3113)

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family