         Behold these precious gifts that I have given to the children of David! Behold the gift of My Words that I have given to you, that feed you the truth, that give you the strength, that direct and guide you to Me and to My plan and to My will. Oh, these precious Words! Don't let them fall to the ground, but take them in and absorb them. Read them and do them. Be thankful for them.
         Behold the other gifts I bestow upon you: The gift of love--love that you can bestow upon one another; love that can be shared with your children; love that can be shared one with another; love that can be shared with the lost.
         What a precious gift this is for you--love--My love! The world is so cold and dark and so lacking in love, but I have poured forth love to you abundantly--the love of a family, the love of a friend, the love of brothers and sisters, the love of husbands and wives, the love of mothers and fathers and children, the love of those that you help and that you serve and that you save. Your lives are full of love--My love.
         I have bestowed upon you the gift of hearing My voice, of coming before Me and seeking Me. Oh, what a blessing it is to have the voice of your Father with you at all times, saying, "This is the way, walk ye in it!" Those that are in the world are lost and are in darkness and have no light to light their way, but I have given unto you My Word and My voice to say, "This is the way, walk ye in it."
         Behold the gift of living together in unity and harmony--not alone, not in fear, not in trembling as those in the world about you, but together, united as one. I have made you a Home with loving brothers and sisters and fathers and mothers and aunts and uncles all together. Oh, what a gift I have given unto you!
         Behold the gifts of the Spirit that I have poured forth unto you: the wisdom, the knowledge, the understanding, the practical gifts, helps and administration, government, these gifts that help you on a day-to-day basis. These who stand behind these gifts in the world beyond [spirit helpers] help you, show you, and guide you. These are great gifts! The gifts of healing, of tongues, of discernment. The gift of prayer and intercession. The gift of faith. The gift of hope. The gift of witnessing. The gift of pouring forth My Words. Oh, what wonderful gifts these be!
         Behold the greatest gift of all that I have bestowed upon you--the gift of salvation! Freedom forever! Freedom from your sins. Freedom from worry. Freedom from fear. Freedom from death. Freedom from Hell! (ML #3004)

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