         As antiques gain more and more value with age, these precious ones grow more and more valuable in My sight with age. That which they have to offer cannot be bought with money, for it is something that can only be acquired through the life of faith and trust, through the life of breakings and victory. It is so special and so precious and so rare.
         Despise not these hearts of gold, but cherish them and protect them, value them, make it easy for them to be good. Use them to the full, that they may be content, that they may know that while they may not run or jump or fly like they once did, they have a very special place in the foundation of My Kingdom. For they receive My diamonds of dust. They feed and care for and train My diamonds of dust.
         Give honor to whom honor is due. You younger ones, respect your elders, for they have much to offer you. You must look beyond their idiosyncrasies and little habits or ways which you find bothersome. Look deeper and see the precious things, that you may gain the precious things that these can teach you. For a wise man learns from his own experience, but a wiser man learns from the experience of others.
         These wise men have much to teach, for they have much experience. They have made many mistakes, they have fallen many times, yet they fight on! Even in their weakness, even in their discouragement, even in their correction, even in their fatigue, they fight on; and this is a great thing in My eyes, worthy to be praised and honored.
         In the day of My Kingdom I shall lift these up and I shall honor them, and you shall see them as I see them! I shall place My crown of jewels upon their head and all will marvel at these, My faithful ones--these who have stuck year after year after year, these who have borne many children, these who have borne many hardships. I shall honor them and recognize their sacrifice and they shall be rewarded, for I do not forget their labors of love (ML #3047).

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