         Strip off the garments of pride! Strip them off, cast them aside, and lie naked before Me and before others. They will not
despise you for this--they will love you and they will honor you with the honor of God! They will say, "This is the one that has taken on the beautiful, light, see-through garment of humility, the garment of love. Oh, how she glows! For we now see that the light and the love of our Lord shines through her. We can see it, for it is no longer covered with the dark cloak of pride. Now we see through the see-through garment of humility. Oh, how beauteous it is to see and to behold! Oh, how she radiates! Oh, how she smiles! Oh, the joy that we see in her!"
         It is because of My love that I take you, and because of My great love that I wish for you to shed your clothes, that I may even see you and hold you and love you and caress you. For I do love you, My dear one, and I will make this as easy as possible, like a lover who lovingly kisses and opens the blouse and drops it to the floor and holds and caresses, and unzips the skirt and slowly brings it down, who slowly and lovingly disrobes you and lays you down. So shall it be, if you will just let Me do it; otherwise it is a struggle.
         I want you naked, My dear. I want you naked in the bed of love. I do not want to have to rip the clothes of pride off you. I just want your gentle yieldedness as you say, "Yes, strip me naked and love me." And so shall I do this thing. For as you say yes, I shall be as a lover who gently, gently disrobes you. You won't even feel it because it will be with My love and My kisses and My caresses.
         So yield to Me, My dear love, and let Me strip you. Then let Me cover you, for I will cover you with Myself. I will lie on top of you and I will envelop you with My warmth. I will cover you with My love (ML #3043).

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