         Your life is like a song of love. So much love has been poured into your life--the love of your mother, the love of your father, the love of your brothers and sisters both of the flesh and of the spirit, the love of your mate, the love of your children, the love of your shepherds, the love of the sheep! And of course My love most of all, which is the source of all this love that you have received.
         As My Word says, unto whom much has been given, of the same much shall be required. Ah, but what great joy and great release you will find and have in yielding to this song of love, so that I can continue to bring forth in your life and in the lives of others the fruits of all this love that you have received.
         The song of love shall continue and reverberate! Waves and waves and waves of love shall lap upon many shores because you have decided to let the song of love continue in your life, and consequently in the lives of many others. Lean not to your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Me and this beautiful, beautiful song of love.
         I have watched you and nurtured you, lo, these many years--as a tiny sprig, as a wobbly sapling, and now as a fine tall tree. Therefore spread forth your branches and let others lodge in them, and learn and benefit from all that you have experienced.
         Break the box and let it roll! Let it roll--all this love that you can share with others. And thus I will cause your tree to grow stronger, to bear more fruit, and to flourish in the courts of the Lord.
         Be encouraged with My courage. Be inspired with the spire of My Spirit. With you it is impossible, but with Me all things are possible. This is your heritage and your legacy: to be a loving shepherd, a faithful witness, and to teach others to be the same.
         Oh, you are so beloved! And this song of love that springs forth from your life, as I have promised, shall bring forth much fruit.
         I will not hold it against you if you feel weak and incapable. I rejoice in this, for it brings you closer to Me and causes this song of love to ring truer and purer, to give a clearer picture of My love--that it is I Who fill all things, and that without Me, you are nothing.
         So sing it forth! Give it forth! Live it, and it shall be well with you and your seed and all that you do.

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family